
More Hatchlings and Plans Fall Apart

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 13 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Wilderness, East of Norvos, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 297 AC)~~~

Dany slowly takes all three eggs into her arms and enters the fire we've created. I've learned that certain Targaryens don't burn from ordinary fires. Dany and I are in that group. We've been planning this for about 6 weeks now.

The slaves we talked to 18 weeks back are some of our only contacts. We left them behind, and we're making our own plans to take Astapor. I've been brainstorming, but now isn't the time for that.

I watch my twin hold the three eggs tightly and soon break open. She's naked, of course, and while I try to be a well-mannered gentleman. I do get a good look at her.




Each hatchling makes a small cry as the fire burns around them, and Dany walks out with them on her body. Rhaenys is behind me and raises her head at the sounds of the three little ones.

"I told you it wouldn't be difficult."

She smiles as she approaches me, and the dragons stay attached.

Her eyes lock on me. She knows I've been staring at her body for a while now. The sexual tension is a very distracting thing to have. We've not given the bedding another opportunity. She's tried, but I stop it before we get close to penetration.

Mainly since now isn't the right time in our lives to be having sex.

We're planning several things for our future, and giving into sex as frequently as possible will get in the way. So it's best to put it off. Knowing how our bodies work, she'd get pregnant if I failed to pull out. And a baby shouldn't be on our priority list.

Not while we're planning to take on Slavers Bay in the near future.

"Yeah... Thanks for helping me with this..."

She makes her way over to her clothes and starts getting dressed. I hold the three little hatchlings. They don't give a fuss. It's probably since Dany, and I share the same scent. At least, that's what I'm getting from their lack of resistance.

"Now that we've got three hatchlings, we'll have to feed them constantly and hold off on traveling. At least until they're big enough."

We can't leave our current position until the three of them are strong enough to travel with us, which could be a few years.

That puts a damper on our plans and one I didn't account for.

"That's not a bad thing... We can hide out here while we make plans and gather allies to take on Slavers Bay. We're in a remote enough location. Being on a mountain helps that."

We're between Norvos and Slavers Bay in some mountains. Forested and covered by trees. We're in the remote wilderness.

"I agree with you. We'll build ourselves a small home while we're out here. We won't interfere with the outside world until your dragons are old enough to fly on their own."

She smiles and rests against the log. I make my way toward her and sit next to her, giving her the three hatchlings back. Rhaenys lays down behind us, and we use her as a pillow. It's midday at this point, and there isn't much to do other than relax.

The three hatchlings can eat the supply we have built since staying here the last few days. This is the only option we have at this point. But it also allows things to play out in other places too.

From the few people we've talked to in our travels here, Westeros is becoming unstable. And rumors are as deadly as facts.

"If we're lucky, our enemies will destroy each other before coming after us..."

That'd be nice.

Dany has taught me a lot that I hadn't known about Westeros. And our enemies there.

"Since we'll stay here for the next few years, what do you think about the whole sex thing now?"

That's right...

The excuse to not have sex is gone now. And I suppose there isn't anything that could stop that now. But I want a small home and bed before we start bedding each other.

"You're right... I'm not opposed to it... But lets at least agree to make a home and a bed before we do any of that..."

She smiles and nods her head in agreement. Everything is going well, and if we're patient. We'll have everything we need in the next 4 to 5 years to start everything we hope to do.

Which is to reclaim what was stolen from us and take revenge on those that ruined our family. Dany has convinced me to this whole ruling thing, but we're doing it as a team. As perfect equals. And if anyone disagrees, we'll burn them.

~~~(POV: Robert Baratheon)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 35 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Kings Landing, The Red Keep, Small Council Chambers)~~~

~~~(Date: 297 AC)~~~

"What do you mean Raenon and Daenerys Targaryen can't be found!!"

This is becoming certain madness, and more than not, I find myself thirsty for Targaryen Blood. Enough to head to Essos and hunt them down.

"It's hard to follow and track someone that travels by dragon, Your Grace. But rest assured, if they're spotted any time soon. We'll be notified."

Damn Spider! Goddamn Varys!

"And what if they breed while they're hidden?!! Huh!?! Have any of you thought of that!!? They already have one dragon that can burn a city if need be! And what if those three eggs do end up being alive and hatched?!! That's three more!!"

Everyone can see how serious I am, and I'm sick of looking at all these fools.

"I'm leaving for a hunt!! Figure this out by the time I'm back!!"

I stand up from the table and make my way for the exit. Everyone in that room has proved to be completely incompetent!! The only way I can get out of this sour mood is by hunting some game and drinking plenty of fucking wine.

~~~(POV: Eddard Stark)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 34 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Kings Landing, The Red Keep)~~~

~~~(Date: 297 AC)~~~

Robert has been hunting and drinking for the past 17 days, and most of us on The Small Council is a bit relieved. I don't fear Robert, but I know that his temper and passionate hate for all Targaryens are one of his greatest weaknesses.

I'm currently alone. Walking down one of the hallways trying to improve my movement. Jaime Lannisters bannerman took a speartip through my knee. And I've been trying to recover since it happened. It hasn't been easy, but this is part of the process.

"Lord Eddard!! Eddard!!"

A man comes running down the hall, and I can tell by the look on his face it's not good news. As he reaches me, he looks me dead in the eye.

"It's Robert..."

Gods... What's he done this time?

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 13 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Wilderness, East of Norvos, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 297 AC)~~~

It's taken us about 8 weeks, but we've managed to build a home. And today was the finishing touches on it. While crude looking, it's completely water-sealed and has everything we'd need. A fireplace with a chimney, a bed, and a table with some handmade chairs.

"Looks like we'll be living here for the next few years. One room, a bed, a fireplace, and a table. Enough to take care of us, and wait until our dragons have grown."

While I'm not going to say it verbally, I have plans for that bed tonight. I've been extremely patient. And now we've got everything we need.

"I suppose it's time that I kept my end of the bargain..."

Raenon takes my hand in his and leads me to the door of our home. Rhaenys stays with the growing hatchlings and keeps them in line for us. So we've got nothing to worry about. After we make it inside, he closes the door behind us.

My heart is racing. And it's because, after all these months, we're finally getting a chance. And we've got time on our hands. We're in no rush to move our plans forward. Patience is a leader and ruler's friend, and we're using it.

"Can I ask one thing before we start this..."

He looks at me as we sit down on the bed, and I'll say it's soft and comfortable. Raenon did amazing at making it. His eyes are looking into mine as he waits for me to continue talking.

"You can ask me anything, Dany... You know that..."

He fills the silence as he sees me hesitating to continue. What I'm about to ask is something that royalty like us are supposed to do.

"Should we start a family? We'll be out here for the next few years, if not longer. And that means we'll have the time... We can rebuild our family... Starting now..."

It's a tall order, but I want to know if he's given that any thought like I have...

"It's been on my mind too, Dany... And since we'll be out here for a while, I don't see the harm in it. But we're really young, and we don't have a Maester to help with the pregnancy or the birth..."

He's not wrong...

"That would mean when you start getting late in your pregnancy. We'll have to head to the nearest city to get some help..."

The more we talk about it, the more I realize I haven't given it the same amount of thought as Rae... But I want to rebuild our house...


~~~(POV: Free Talking/Narrator easyread)~~~

~~~(Current Age: Unknown)~~~

~~~(Location: Unknown)~~~

~~~(Date: Unknown)~~~

I hope you've enjoyed the story so far and continue to read as I develop this.

I understand the pace of the story is really fast, but I have to iterate that a year passed between each season. And the timeline of the books is far different. I've been trying to mix the two together as best I could, and this has been the result so far.

There will be chapters where little time passes between each one, and chapters where months or years pass between them.
