
(7) Pirates Attack! (2)

[Aoki POV]



I-I have to get to Mr. Koushirou! B-brother will die if I take too long!

Damnit! Why are you so slow Aoki! Avery could be dying right now, didn't you say you would be with him wherever?!


[Mr. Koushirou POV]

"Patience is key in a fight Zoro. Once you've gained control of the flow of the fight, you've almost already won." I said to Zoro, he nodded his head as he absorbed this information.

As I prepared to teach him once more, I heard loud knocks coming from the door of the dojo.

"Hmm, it must be Avery and Aoki. They sure are coming back early, didn't they say they'd be out for a couple hours?" I asked.

I walked over to the door and opened it, only to find a sweat filled Aoki on the verge of crying.

"Aoki! What happened?!"

"B-big brother, we've got to go save him! There are pirates attacking the village, a-and he's fending them off by himself!" She said as tears came pouring out of her ocean blue eyes.

"W-what?! You stay here and use the den den mushi to call for help from the marines! I'll go help Avery."

"I'll go help too!" Zoro and Kuina who were listening in on the conversation, both said in unison.

"Me too! I have to help Avery!" Aoki said with determination in her eyes.

"Fine, you can all help but first we'll need these." I said as I walked to the closet and pulled out four swords.

I handed the swords to them and put mine in my scabbard.

"I'll call the marines, you three go help Avery! It shouldn't take me long to catch up to you all so go!" I ordered the three of them.

Hah, Avery I pray you're still alive by the time I get there!


[Avery POV]

"IS SHOOTING ME WITH YOUR GUN ALL YOUR GONNA DO?!" I shouted as I dodged the bullets of the man in the white oni mask.

"Hmph! You'll run out of stamina eventually, all I have to do is wait!"

He's right, I'm already feeling burnt out! If only I had already learned how to use Haoshoku haki I could've knocked out all of these small fries!

I'll use Rankyaku and see how useful it is! I started kicking at rapid speeds, and blades of compressed wind were sent flying at the man in the white oni mask.

"Woah! That's a new one!" The man in the white oni mask stood calmly and watched as the wind blades approached him.

The bronze skinned man rushed in front of the man and his skin, a-actually turned into bronze! He blocked the wind blades completely!

"Wtf Oda?! So everyone just has devil fruits now?!" I cursed at the almighty creator of this world: Eichiro Oda. I don't even think there was a bronze bronze fruit or whatever!

Hell, now I have bronze guy to worry about and white oni mask to worry about!

Please hurry Aoki! I don't think you want to see your big bro dead!

"Avery!" As if on que, Aoki shouted out to me with Zoro and Kuina right behind her.


"Even more kids huh? This village must really think little of us huh captain?" One of the many men behind the bronze skinned man shouted.

"They must've never heard of the Oni Masked Pirates!" The bronze skinned man said as he smiled, clearly being proud of his crew's name.

"Oni Masked Pirates? The name doesn't ring any bells." Aoki said as she approached me.


"W-well w-we're kind of a new crew!" the bronze skinned man refuted.

"Oh, so you're a no-name pirate crew is what you're basically saying?" Aoki asked casually.


"Damnit! Shut up little girl! I won't let you diss our crew like this!" The bronze skinned man said as he rushed towards Aoki like a raging bull.

Luckily he didn't transform into his bronze state, otherwise it would've been hard for Aoki to turn out okay.

As he got closer and closer to Aoki, she took out her sword and entered her sword stance and closed her eyes.

"Hah! She must have a death wish, closing her eyes as Macks coming at her!" The pink haired woman yelled out.

I shook my head at that, never underestimate my sister.

As the man was preparing to attack Aoki, she side stepped and slashed down with her sword all in one smooth movement.

Over these four months Aoki learned how to sense when an enemy is approaching without using her eyes, meaning all of her other senses had to be used.

It was similar to observation haki but different, as when using observation haki it's like an entirely new sense is unlocked.


Aoki knocked him out in one hit, well I think she knocked him out.

"Idiot!" The white oni masked man yelled out.

I think the tables were turning in our favor, well umm hopefully.
