
7/ A Miracle ?

"The press has a power of image so powerful that it can make a criminal look like a victim and show the victim as a criminal." Malcolm X

POV mother of Kévin

Resurrection is normally impossible in the history of mankind even today in a world where the awakened exist. Capable of healing the worst wounds and diseases, but resurrection goes far beyond the imaginable. The word resurrection means coming back to life, yet no one but Jesus is said to have come back after his death. Yet I held my son tightly, feeling the warmth of his body and the beating of his heart again. With my daughter holding her brother as tightly as she could while crying her eyes out.

Today, after having prayed and hoped for so much, it is as if my faith had finally been recognized, as if all my pain and sadness had been rewarded by this miracle. While people around us were praying and shouting a miracle, my husband was looking at us from afar. He had not bothered to come and join us as if the resurrection of his son did not matter to him. While my mother came closer to me and touched the cheeks of her grandson.

"It is a true miracle, God's grace is limitless." (Grandma)

Refocusing and seeing the noises getting louder and the people getting hysterical I realized one thing.

Resurrection is the overturning of the laws of nature and is beyond our perception. It is a transcendent event because it is beyond man's comprehension and my son has just disrupted all that. I was now apprehensive about what might happen next.


"It is a new event that could turn our society upside down once again. Indeed yesterday a young boy named Kevin who had died for 13 days miraculously came back to life. We find our correspondent on the spot. (TV presenter)

"Yes indeed, it was during a funeral ceremony in Lyon on March 21 that a gigantic black lightning bolt struck. Leaving behind a gigantic crater and the resurrected body of a young child. We are currently in front of the family's house where many other journalists are waiting, as the family did not want to make a statement. But according to the information we have, this child has been seriously ill since his birth, and the doctors and even the awake ones have been unable to treat him. The family even went into debt to the tune of 300,000 thousand euros for the care of their child, the father working in warehouses and the mother working as a school teacher. This is an unprecedented event for humanity and today many scientists would say they are ready to study the young boy to understand the reason for this phenomenon."

"Why was our life exposed like that, they had no right to do that! As if we didn't have enough problems already, like this, it's really a shame the media is really lawless!" I then said in rage in front of the television.

All of a sudden we became the center of attention of the whole planet, whereas a few weeks ago nobody knew us and nobody wanted to help us. And now they were exposing our entire life and our trials as if they owned it.

"The worst thing about fame is the lack of respect for your privacy. And the progress of civilization essentially tends to limit people's privacy. Especially through the media, which blurs the line between public and private life. In a perfidious way to be able to sell and make money on dramas or things that should remain at the border of privacy. But unfortunately in this world :

"The power of the media blithely spans all borders." Roger Molinier

3 weeks later

The more the weeks passed, the more the media became virulent towards us, because we did not want to speak out and expose our son. With many programs and TV shows where specialists whose names nobody knows intervened like great gurus. And who for the most part do not know anything about it in reality being smooth talkers and trash of the first to rant their science and their morals to two balls. That the average idiot and incapable of reflection will drink as the holy words of gospel that must be followed without asking any question.

"He who controls the media controls the minds."

Thus, we have been labeled as selfish, individualistic, greedy, not wanting to share one of the greatest discoveries and gifts for humanity. The Pope himself telling us to stop imprisoning our child and that we must share the miracles of God. Politicians even pressuring us to expose and study our child and even to make him a French symbol internationally. The child returned from death as they liked to call him.

But if they thought I was going to let my child, the flesh of my flesh, become a freak, they were wrong! I didn't give in despite the pressure, attacks, insults, affronts and insults that my family suffered. While it became more and more virulent.

Internet chat

[What a bunch of bastards this family is, especially the mother, what's their name again?]

[It leaked, it's Aithḗr]

[The father's name is Cristian and the mother's name is Karla, that bitch!]

[She wants to keep God's miracle to herself, she should be taught a lesson. ]

[It's not even a question of God's miracle, her son should be taken away from her, he belongs to us now, he's a treasure for the future of humanity].

[I saw a scientist say that if we study him we could find out how he came back to life. That maybe it was the next stage of the human race].

[I've read articles that maybe his son absorbed too much mana and that's what made him sick and killed him. And then the excess mana in his body brought him back to life].

[Wow, imagine the advances for humanity ]

[I heard that the politician Emmanuel is looking for a way to take custody of his son. ]

[I hope it will succeed, it is a necessity for the common good.]

The common good, this notion that many specialists like to evoke, putting others before oneself for a common cause. But nothing will come before my family because I owe nothing to these individuals. Especially not to those who spit on us all day long. Those who have never known the sufferings we have endured.

2 months later

After a few more weeks, death and kidnapping threats began to rain down on us.

[You will go to hell for your selfishness.]

[They will come and take your son away from you and burn your house down].

[They will rape you mother and daughter for the crimes you are committing].

We received many letters of this type, the media, the politicians, the religious harassed us without any respite. Watching for the slightest mistake on my part to take my boy away from me. Even work became a place of harassment for journalists, even colleagues, parents and my own students.

"My mom she says you're a selfish person." (Child)

"You should be ashamed to keep your child to yourself." (Parent)

"The world is waiting for answers." (Colleague)

Harassment that had become quite legitimate for them against the evil selfish parents. Until one day they finally got their way because some of the threats had been carried out.

One night an awakened man broke into our house and kidnapped Kevin and Mary without my being able to do anything about it and I was wounded in the head while trying to stop him. He was part of a group called Renaissance and had also decided to take Marie with them. Luckily Yan was with his grandmother that day because he probably would have taken her too. Unfortunately for us, the media immediately got hold of the case, calling us bad parents, unconscious and irresponsible, but we were the victims.

"Mr. Emmanuel, what do you think about the kidnapping of the young miracle boy Kevin?"

"Well, it should never have happened and if his parents had not been so irresponsible and selfish it would never have happened. And now they have to take responsibility for their actions." (Emmanuel)

"You bastard! This would never have happened if you hadn't been picking on us!" I say as I throw the remote against the TV from my hospital bed.

"I want you to know that we will do everything we can to get this young boy back, it's our duty. I will offer money to anyone who has information about him and put all our police forces on the case." (Emmanuel)

All this media hype and searching lasted a total of three days because I don't know how but it was my husband who managed to get them back from the kidnappers. I saw him walk into my hospital room with our sleeping daughter and son and put them on me. Honestly, I didn't want to know how he did it, the most important thing was that Kevin and Marie were back with me and I could hold them again.

A return that lasted only a short time, because because of this kidnapping we were deemed unfit to protect our child and so her custody was taken from us.

"Mamann! I don't want to go mom! I don't want to go!" Kevin shouted as he was pulled away from me once again.

And I could only watch as he was taken away without me being able to do anything, Mary crying again not understanding why fate was bearing down on us.

And I began to wonder if this miracle was not a poisoned gift as I had foreseen on the day of his resurrection. Making Kevin the center of all the questions and desires.

I then saw his desperate look through the window of the vehicle he was being taken to, taking him away from his own family.

I believe the media headline that day was:

"He's finally safe."

"Low blows, lies, and half-truths are the media's way of manipulating, discrediting and humiliating. And often, the common good is the excuse to weaken the one who doesn't need others or their opinions or problems."


Would you be willing to sacrifice your child for the common good?


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Thanks to Cadméa for her level 4 subscription.

Thanks to Slik Silk for her level 3 subscription.

Thanks to Castaldi for his level 1 subscription.

Thanks to Vélios_Shadow for his level 1 subscription.

Thanks to Caesar Imperator for his level 1 subscription

Thanks to MM2211 for his level 1 subscription
