

[Warning: Smut]

A hand touched my bare arm. My eyes sprang open as I twisted to stab the person behind me, seeing Alexis my hand trembled dropping the blade. 

"Luna," he seemed shocked at my reaction. His hand gripped my arm painfully, "are you that mad?"

"What did I do?" I gasped, the night's memories attacking me all at once, "what did you do?"

His hand rested over my womb, pulling me against his bare skin, "we made a baby, or a clump of cells that'll become a baby," he laughed. 

"A baby," my voice rose a few pitches higher as my hand reached to push his aside and rest in the same spot. 

"No." I wept. 

"Why aren't you happy?" Alexis asked, brushing hair from my sweat-drenched forehead. His thumb then wiped a tear from the corner of my eye. "You should be happy."

"Do I look happy?" I pushed him away and sat up to curl into a ball. 

"Luna," he tried to embrace me but I remained stiff, unmoving, silent. 
