
Chapter 77: Earthquake in Steel Dome City

Xu Mo seemed to understand that the elder wanted to groom him in a different direction.

He was neither a student at the academy, nor would he join the army.

He was expected to become a unique existence.

Although Dean Tantai had retired, he still possessed strong connections. Dean Nanming was an old friend, but setting that aside, immediately upon his retirement, two commanders sought him out.

Neither spoke much of Dean Tantai's retirement, a trivial matter to men of their stature.

The commanders approached Dean Tantai, ostensibly to invite Xu Mo, and perhaps it truly was to invite him—but it was also a matter of courtesy, a statement of their attitudes.

After all, the cooling of tea after a guest leaves was too common an occurrence.

In the following days, Xu Mo and the others were busy purchasing furniture.

They also bought a few devices from Ruins World, since it was inconvenient to travel to the ruins outside the city for trials.
