
chapter 86

Una and the group arrive in a desert area where the sand is blood red with white boulders around the area.

" this place feels wrong, my body is telling me to leave here. " Emilia said gripping her staff that is golden with pearl wrapping around the staff, she is wearing armor that matches the staff and has sharp points coming out of the shoulders. If she rammed someone with it they definitely would be impaled by it, her helmet covers half of her face and the details on it looks like a dragons face. The armors hands have long claws that could tear through almost all metal and is one of the strongest armors that exist. A burly man that stands at 6' 7" in height comes over with horses that are almost twice the size of regular horses.

Emilia walks over to one that has a gold coat with a white main, they instantly connect and without meaning to the horse became one of her familars as a symbol appears on one of her fingers.

" the horse is yours now, it chose you as its master and is useless to me now " the man says with a frown, Una walks up with a bag of gold and he shakes his head.

" that is to much " He said, Una smiles at him then pushes the gold to his chest, then walks away from him.

" I want all of them " Una said as a horse with a blood red coat and black mane nudges her, she pets her then jumps up on the saddle.

" let's head out we will travel til night then set camp " Una said as she takes off, the rest mount as well following after her, several hours later they com to a large white mountain that has a trail leading up to it.

" well it'll take us several hours to go up to a clearing to rest the horses and set up camp " Una said as they go up the path, while making their way up the mountain small rocks would roll down the rocks in front of them.

" were being followed " Emilia said holding her staff tightly, Una nods her head while she spreads out her Aura to search and feels two dozen skin walkers on the cliff above them.

" Una how much further though " Phelps said as he stares up ahead, he already knows exactly where each skin walker is.

" may I ask what is following us " Emilia said while patting her horses neck, she sees something up ahead that look like a person sticking to the side of a boulder up the cliff, its hairless with white skin that matches the white boulders.

The thing started to climb up the rock cliff with ease, she gets closer to see webbed hands and feet. A long forked tongue goes across its face as she noticed its skin pull downward from the eye socket and revealing red scales underneath it.The shape of its head is not circular but football shaped with a pointed head as they pass the thing open it mouth revealing two sets of mouths with a long set of sharp teeth. The second jaw has shorter teeth inside and a shriek leaves its mouth as it scurries away into a large crack and she sees its head flatten some to fit into the crevice.

" they can dislocate their skulls to fit into places like that, do not get close to them or they'll skin you alive to make fresh skin." Una said as she looks forward, after several hours they come to a clearing and Phelps tells the men to set up camp.

Emilia stays close with the others, no one is aloud to leave by themselves or they more than likely won't return.

" Emilia do you think Tai will be ok" Sia asks while laying her head on Emilias lap, she looks over to Una then sighs and then closes her eyes waiting for Emilia to answer her.

" I think she will be, Mal stays by her side and that's why Phelps is here instead of Mal. We will pull together for our family and I know deep down Una is beating herself up for this. We just need to help without getting in the way or being careless with our lives, it'll kill Tai if something happens to one of us " Emilia said while taking her fingers through Sias hair, Una walks ove to the cliff that leads up to the cabin.

(" I've got to get that flower from this thing, I know if he's going to want my daughter in laws I'll RIP his head from his body " ) Una thought to herself as she walks back to sit next to the girls who lay down right next to her when she sits down beside them.

" get rest will leave at first light " Una said covering them up as she drapes her arms round them both.
