
Chapter 63

Evelyn was all smiles when he got out from the shower, she rubbed her stomach and chuckled to herself. The years she waited to have a child with Lillian, she never dared to do it when thewat was first starting since it was dangerous. She knows that the continuance of the war is still growing, she doesn't care and will carry their child.

A knock was heard at her door, she quickly opened the door wide to see her daughter Ari standing there.

" Mother what have you done to Lars and that red headed vixen that is completely destroying the room ses in" Ari saidwhile arching one of her brows, She seen Carra quickly walking down the hall toward her.

" excuse me I needto speak to your mother um would you do me a favor and show Tai around your castle" Carra said while shoving Evelyn into the room, Ari was left with her mouth hanging open to see someone shove the Queen into her room.

" Evelyn what have you done ! you know she is still mentally weak and you both allow yourselves to get pregnant. You know what Maximus done to her, she knows you dropped your eggs Evelyn" Carra shouted at her friend, she sits down on the bed and drags her hand through her hair.

" I'm no better I done the same thing when I finally seen her and I noticed her having flashbacks since her talk with Len. Carra sobs into her hands for being weak when Lillian asked her, Evelyn sits down beside her friend rubbing her back.

When the bedroom door slams open with Una standing there, she breathing hard and her eyes were glowing a gold color. Carra swallows hard then stands between the two and holding her hands up toward Una.

" Una calm down please" Carra said, Unas gaze traveled down to Carras stomach as she tilted her head.

" Carra you done it as well, I've had to restrain her physically for two hours earlier and now she acts like nothing happened. What will we do if she loses control and kills thousands of innocents again." Una said while shaking her head, she walks over to sit down on Evelyn's bed and lays down beside where she sits.

Aji walksin the door with a smile on her face, she noticed that her mother isn't alone.

" oh, mother I was going to see if I could be the one to show Tai around , since Ari isnt aloud to compete for her." Aji said while coming closer to her mother, Evelyn noticed how Tai and Ari acted wen their eyes landed on each other that they were mates.

" actually Aji your sister and brother will be one of the choices" Evelyn said causing everyone's heads to snap to her, she heard Una whimper while she rubbed her hands over her face. Ajis face turned blood red with anger while she stomped her foot on the floor, Carra smirked at the girl.

(" she acts like her father ") Carra thought to herself while she walks over closing the door, she knew that Evelyn was trying to remain calm through breathing techniques.

" you will not act this way, my word is final and if you favor Tai then you need to work for it" Evelyn said calmly, Aji leaves the room and slaps the door closed behind her.

" when is Rae, Kae and Fauna coming here: Carra asked while looking around Evelyn's room, Evelyn sighed and walked over to her vanity.

" their not were meeting them at Asandras" Evelyn said with a smile on her face thinking back when they would go on adventures with the other mates.

" good Tai gets to meet her sister and brothers, Shae is also there with Kalae" Una said getting up from the bed.

" Tai will travel to the Vampire kingdom in a couple days, I want you to choose two of your heirs to go with her. You alo need to explain to her about the mates she has, she will probably have the same amount as Lillian or more." Una said causing Evelyn to choke on her saliva.

(" more than Lillian, goodness it'll be a village ") Evelyn thought
