
His support, her backbone

Hearing that annoying woman's outburst, Zhang Liling turned to face her. "Hold your peace, you greedy riffraff!"

"What? Are you insulting me to my face?" Shi Wenqian asked unbelievably as she closed in on her.

"Yes, and what can you do about it?" Liling dared while maintaining her stance and rolling her eyes.

At this point, Shi Wenqian felt like the clock ticking in her heart was subdued, but then again, she let herself breath as the thought of the good side of the beneficial deal.

"I almost forgot that you have the right to rant all you want after what was supposed to belong to you was given to another person." Letting her gaze move from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet and back to her face, she continued.

"I will let your madness slide just for this night but after tonight, get ready to be treated like a sparrow, and then follow up by withering like a flower without care. I, Shi Wenqian will make sure of that."
