
Knowing herself

In no time, Zhang Liling found her way to her father's office, as she could see more bodyguards standing along the curved hallway leading to his office.

And seeing as no one tried to stop her or ask questions to what reason must have brought her up to that floor, she wasn't surprised.

She guessed that they must have recognised her since they worked very closely for her father.

As soon as she reached the door that had the mist prestigious title in the building, she had one of the men in black suit knock twice on the door.

A few seconds later, the automatic door opened by itself which was a courtesy of Zhang Renshu being the only one who could let someone in by himself by pressing only a button on his desk.

But as for him getting access into his own office should in case he leaves and want to go in, he only needed his thumbprint to open the door.
