

The hosuekeeper was ready to retire for the night, and was on her way to her bedroom when she heard Zhang Liling's muffled cries.

At first, she thought she had been mistaken and had to stop to listen.

Coming closer to the door, she leaned sideways and when she heard the cries clearer, she guessed she was right and looked worried.

She had never seen or head Zhang Liling cry before.

That girl was so bubbly and full of energy. And not forgetting, mischievous.

Soemtjing must have happened for her to be in years.

"Miss Zhang?" Ms. Chu called out before pushing the door open.

Peeping through the small gap, she saw the head full of hair at the top of the bed before walking in proper.

She was right on time on seeing Zhang Liling get off the phone.

Just as Zhang Liling out her phone away, she tilted her head to the side to see the hosuekeeper walking in.

