
Finding it palatable

Since she put it that way, Mr. Fang couldn't find a way to leave her hanging, although he almost told her that he didn't need her services.

"You are really daring! After that storm you cooked up in the morning, you still had the confidence to step into the kitchen to cook up another thing?"

'Oh!' Zhang Liling exclaimed in her head. It's just now that she understood the reason Mr. Fang was refusing to eat the food she prepared for him.

Turns out that he was scared that she might have cooked another nonsense for him to eat.

A little smile slowly appeared on her face and she hurriedly explained, "Mr. Fang, you don't need to worry about my cooking anymore especially when it comes to making pasta. I am very good at it. I also make really coffee, and the reason you tea tasted so badly was because I didn't look at the salt container properly since I was in a hurry."

'Is she promoting her cooking skills now?'
