
Silent Treatment



And by then, it was already too late for Liu Xueyi to retract those words.

Although voicing that out had only been a joke, it did not change the fact that Andromeda felt her heart struck by this.

Simply put. She recalled the times she had been with the other guys and he got jealous. 

Left to her, she saw it as him reminding her of those times, just like how she had kissed Xie Tian thinking it was him.

Her heart clenched from hearing him say that. 


"Save it," Andromeda cut in swiftly and lowered her head. By the time she lifted it up, no longer did the sadness that washed over her remain.

"Andromeda, I did not mean that."

"No. You have said enough and you have said that which is truly in your heart. People say, at the moment of joking, the truth is being said."

She scoffed at her own words and shook her head. "I was stupid."
