
Chapter 132 First Battle on a New Continent

Seeing the figure coming towards her, Evelyn started to panic a bit and looked around to see if there was any way she could get away.

Sadly, she was just way too high in the sky right now to make a dash for the tropical jungle below before the beast would intercept her.

Quickly she decided that her best recourse to avoid a battle was to fly up and hope that the creature descried to return home when she got far enough away.

But when she turned her head back, she saw that it was still coming for her at a high speed that matched her own.

Coming to the conclusion that she had no real chance to get away, Evelyn stopped ascending and flew down to meet whatever was coming.

'Maybe it will be friendly, and it just wanted to come any investigate what I am.' Evelyn thought, trying to stay positive.

Though as she got closer and was able to make out exactly what was coming for her, she knew that there was no hope of a peaceful resolution.
