
For Someone With Such a Black and Vile Heart (2)

"As for the royal family and the heads of the noble families, you'll have to face your punishment today." Iris continued. 

The crowd trembled as Iris, the ruthless queen of the Dark Abyss, delivered her chilling words. The once revered royal family and noble heads now stood before her, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and defiance. 

Iris rested her chin against the back of her hand and glanced at Chysanthe. Chysanthe stood beside her with a stoic expression, her eyes filled with unwavering loyalty. As Iris locked eyes with her, a silent understanding passed between them—the weight of their power and the burden it carried in this place of darkness and despair. 

"Chrys, what do you think we should do with them?" She asked, her voice dripping with malice. 

Chysanthe, Iris's childhood best friend, studied the trembling crowd for a moment before a sinister smile spread across her face.
