

When the last of the shackles unclasped from her skin, Tania's wings revealed. On a natural instinct, she tried to flare them up despite all the pain cruising through her body, but she couldn't. This was the worst agony she had suffered, only multiplied by a thousand. She screamed as excruciating pain ripped through her body. This was not what she imagined her wings would do when she eventually got them. They felt like heavy boulders on her back that was burned and abused. The agony was so severe that when she fell to the ground on the soft snow, she liked the coolness of the dust that covered her. She lost consciousness, the last she knew was how she was cocooned by her own wings. They were white in color. Something gold also flashed, but she slipped into darkness. 

Nightmares followed. 

"Tania!" Menkar called her. "Wake up." Serpents of black oily magic slithered over her soul. It was so sickening that she trembled. "Tell me where you are!" he goaded. 
