
About Mates

As a soldier and warrior, Eltanin knew how to take care of himself, as well as his colleagues, when they were on the battlefield. He made her wear one of his pajamas, leaving the shirt on the couch. 

After taking a bath, he got back in bed to sleep with her in his arms. However, he got up in the morning to inform Fafnir that he would be late for the court hall. He had to go to the opening ceremony of the Great Library in the afternoon, but he didn't want to. 

A pale blush spread across her face when he said that he helped her change. "Did anyone notice your absence?" she asked as she placed her hand over his cheek. 

A smug smile appeared on his lips. "I am the king and I can do whatever I want!" 

She laughed at his cockiness. 

But he then became serious again. "Thank you for saving my life at Humval ruins." 

"I had to…" she replied. 
