
First day at Work

Next morning....

It was already 5 in the morning when the loud alarm in her new room buzzed off. The girl quickly opened her eyes and stretched her arms looking around her. She had the most comfortable sleep ever in these past ten years, on her own bed and house. There was nobody to scold or disturb her and she did not have to work like a maid. The girl looked around her enormous and beautiful room and a slight smile appeared on her face. "Gym time!"

The girl spoke in much excitement and quickly got up from the bed. She brushed her teeth and took a quick shower, changing into her new gym clothes that she had bought. "Need to be in really good shape." The girl quickly held the water bottle in her hand and stepped out of her house, heading to the elevator.

7 am...

The girl came back to her house, after a refreshing gym session and instantly headed to the shower. Her next task was now to look extremely hot for her first day at work. She really wanted to make a very good impression and was now carefully shaving her entire body under the shower.

She then quickly applied a body scrub on her entire body, gently massaging each and every body part under the warm water. As soon as thd girl stepped out of the bathing cabinet, drapping a towel around her body, she quickly applied a skin rejuvunating mask on her face. She was now side by side brushing her teeth again, waiting for her mask to dry up. Charla thrn quickly applied a hair mask on her long hair, so that they can be extremely shining today. "Gotta look good!"

The girl was extremely nervous and after another 30 minutes of hussle she was now standing stark naked in bathroom, lookingvat her reflection in the mirror. She carefully checked each and every part of her body making sure it was hairless and clean. "Perfect!" The girl smiled a little admiring her perfect figure.

She then quickly took out a body shimmering lotion that she had bought from the market and applied it all over her body, making it shine a little. The girl's body now looked even more tonned up, and was glowing beautifully. "Thanks to secretly watching fashion TV, I havd knowledge about all this." The girl grinned happily and then quickly started to blow dry her hair. She took a styling brush in her hand and started to style her hair in a neat centre partition, with straight beautiful hair.

"Hmmm... Now to think, what to wear for the first day." The girl furrowed her eyes a little walking towards her closet. She was rummaging through all her new clothes and finally decided to wear a blue colored mini dress. She quickly took out a fresh pair of satin black colored underwear and slipped her dress on the body, looking at herself carefully in the mirror.

The tube dress, fitted well with her breasts, enhancing them ever more. The dress was fitted till her waist and it instantly turned into a tiny flared skirt, barely hiding her thighs. As the girl moved, her skirt also plafully moved right and left. She turned around and was admiring the sexy back of the dress. The upper part of the dress was backless, and was sticking together by several blue strands.

The girl then opened a drawer, going through all her footwears. She had just picked up the matching blue colored pair of heels, when suddenly she got an idea. "Ooohhh!"

She had once seen a model wearing extremely contrasting shoes, winning the approval of all the guests. Charla quickly took out a brand new pair of hot pink heels, and wore them quickly looking at herself. "Perfect!" The high heels had several multiple strands all over it, and had a cute bow in the middle. The shoes were extremely contrasting her dress, and was very much eye catching.

The girl had planned to leave her hair open, making them fall on her back. She quickly took out the makeup box that she bought from the super market and started to apply it like a pro. The girl applied a light foundation and then slight compact, to enhance her features. She then painted her eye lids blue in color, making them extremely striking, with a hint of golden on them.

After applying a thin eyeliner and mascara, the girl matched her lipshade with her shoes. She painted them hot pink, and glanced at herself from head to toe. "Awsome!" The girl clapped her hands in much excitement, twirling around on her new attire. "I will for sure stand out!"

She quickly picked up her new cell phone and a tiny handbag, walking out of her house in style after applying some perfume.
