
The interview

Charla looked at the gigantic building squeezing her eyes a little almost blinded by the bright sun. She quickly got out of the auto and handed him 80 currency notes with a heavy heart.

The auto rikshaw driver quickly inserted the money in his pocket amd drove off without even thanking the girl. Charla looked around her saw several posh cars all around, and she was probably the only one arriving in a rikshaw. She quickly entered a black colored gate towards three guards, standing in one corner looking at the girl from head to toe.

"I am here for the model interview." The girl clumsily took out the newspaper from her bag, showing it to guards.

One of the guards looked at the newsoaper and then looked at Charla from head to toe. "You? A lingerie model?" He pursed his lips trying not to laugh and then pointed towarxs a wide road ahead. "Go straight and thdn turn right. You will see the reception area. Tell them you are here for interview and they will further guide you."

"Thank you." Charla smiled a little and then walked away as per the guards intructions. She could overhear the guards laughing and talking about her ugliness but she nevertheless prefered to ignore them.

The girl was now rapidly walking on the straight road ahead and she quickly looked at the time by her watch. The girl yet had good 30 minutes at her disposal and she  heaved a sigh of relief turning to her right. "I can totally impress them by reaching before time." The girl spoke proudly as she looked at the gigantic glass made building in front of her.

There was a gigantic garden on her right, while there was a equally large parking area on her left where several posh cars were parked. As she crossed the parking area the girl noticed several cars hatling in the space and from each car a beautiful girl with most fashionable clothes, makeup and shoes emerged. Just in front of her the girl could count on her fingers that at least seven girls had emerged from different cars and were walking past her carefully looking at her from head to toe.

Charla looked at their clothes and shoes nervously. One of the blonde girls was wearing a mini dress which had several cut outs all over. The other brunette had a wonderful fringed haircut and she was wearing a mini skirt paired with a short top. Each one of them were wearing at least six inches heels and had just the perfect amount of makeup on their face.

She could feel only eyes upon her and the girl was now only hoping that these girls were not for the same interview that she had to appear. As soon as Charla entered the gigantic building her mouth fell open as the building was extremely beautiful from inside. She entered a gigantic hall where at least 100 people were roaming around in different directions. Just in front of her were at least 10 elevators in one Direction while there were several escalators on different levels.

There were several sitting areas which were divided from each other with the help of glass partition and Charla quickly walked towards the reception area where a pretty looking girl was sitting attending a phone call. Charla could feel as if all the people were now looking at her and she did not blame them. She was perhaps looking extremely out of the place and she knew that there was no way that she could pass the interview.

Charla halted next to the reception area and the pretty looking brunette behind the reception was now looking at Charla. She quickly hung up the call and looked at the pretty redhead girl. "Excuse me? How may I help you?"

Charla could not help but admire the pretty business suit that the receptionist was wearing in charcoal colour. There was not a single wrinkle on her attire and she had painted her lips red and called her eyelashes making her look extremely pretty. Her hair were trimmed neatly till her shoulders and were falling straight.

Charla looked at the receptionist and much embarrassment and then quickly to count the newspaper. "I am here for the laundry....lingerie model interview." The girl spoke and much nervousness and the receptionist instantly smiled looking at her.

"Very well miss. You may wait in the sitting area number three over there." The receptionist pointed towards a gigantic sitting area where at least 300 girls were sitting one after the other looking extremely beautiful. As soon as Charla turned to look at the sitting area her mouth fell open and her legs started to shiver. She turned to look at the receptionist and came a little closer to the reception table. "If you do not mind could you tell me that all these girls are here for the same interview?"

"Yes of course miss. That is why I told you to wait there along with them." The receptionist smiled politely understanding Charla's anxiety.

Charla had spent on great deal on this interview already and she knew that if she did not get this interview then she was completely dead. She thought for a few seconds and then again turned to look at the receptionist. "Miss... do you have a pair of scissors and some needle and thread with you?"

The receptionist frowned in confusion and then instantly nodded her head in an approval. "Yes of course". She quickly opened a drawer and hundred over appear of brand new scissors and some needle and different coloured threads to her. "Anything else you need?" The receptionist smiled politely.

Charla was extremely grateful that the receptionist was not looking her in a mocking manner like others. "No Madam. That should be all. Could you now tell me where the bathroom is?"

The receptionist looked at the time and then turned to look at the red headed girl and much worry. "Whatever you have to do you do not have much time. The bathrooms are in the other corner of the hall but if you do not tell it to anyone I can offer you a bathroom over there which is just for my personal use. You can go there and nobody shall disturb you."

Charla folded her hands and much gratefulness and jumped in happiness. "Thank you so much!" She quickly walked away towards the bathroom carefully looking at the dresses of every girl that was passing by her.


