
Dance with the devil

Beads of sweat gathered on my forehead, my mind felt disarrayed, and my head was dizzy. It felt as if I was watching myself in the third person, the room seemed to be moving no spinning rapidly.

I stumbled forward knocking over a chair, a bottle of whatever Lucifer gave me to drink in my hand.

A piano was playing in the distance, and the upbeat and adrenaline inducing melody filled the background as if I was a part of a movie scene. I stumbled once more, I knew I shouldn't have drank so much but he is one convincing guy.

Not to mention he had alcohol that actually gets me drunk.

Super drunk.

I swung my head around trying to get my bearings, only to stumble yet again this time a hand caught me. I peered upward to see who caught me and saw a beautiful woman, she was darker-skinned and looked dangerous.

I like that.

She reminded me of someone although I couldn't put a finger on it most likely because I'm drunk.

"Heyyy," I said slurring my words

"Your shitfaced," she laughed enjoying my plight

"Who you?" I asked

"Call me maze" she whispered into my ear causing my hairs to stand

She's really dangerous.

As she guided me to a seat I asked, "not drunk?"

"Decided against it for tonight," she replied her eyes seemed to be studying me as if I was one of her preys

Even in my drunken disoriented state, I knew she wanted information from me.

Before we could continue to talk Lucifer came over and pulled me to my feet, "no rest for the wicked my friend we must continue to party!"

As he dragged me I heard maze let out a frustrated click of her tongue.


















-the next morning-

I awoke with sluggish movements, looking around I noticed I was in my room. Lucifer must have dropped me off here. I don't really remember what happened last night but at least I don't have a headache.

Checking my phone I saw a notification reminding me of a meeting in two hours.

Today is going to be rough.

- Thea pov -

I stood in a forest, small raindrops pittered and pattered hitting my body, and the sound of animals in the distance filled my ears. I smiled softly as everything faded away leaving me alone in my room. My practicing has gone exceedingly well, my illusions are so good I don't think anyone would see through the more advanced ones.

Checking my phone I saw it's ten in the morning, I might as well make my coffee run now before my favorite shop gets too busy with a lunch rush.

I quickly left the house and headed into the heart of Starling city, it only took about ten minutes to get there.

Walking into the shop I looked at the people working today and waved as I sat down in a booth, they already knew what to make me seeing as I come so often.

As I waited for my drink I heard someone else order, they then walked over and sat in my booth.

"Hey?" I asked confused on why they were sitting here

She leaned forward, "you know scent illusions can be more powerful than the one you're using now," I went rigid at what she said

My mouth went dry as I replied, "I don't know what you're talking about,"

She scoffed, "you're keeping a strawberry scent illusion around your body probably to practice with illusions themselves. I'm saying you can practice better with different scent illusions,"

I was shocked yet again, who was this?

"Who are you," I replied in a harsh whisper

"Call me maze,"

-? Pov -

Metahumans are such interesting people and even better soldiers. Easy to manipulate as they were just normal people before the particle accelerator exploded.

Currently, I'm in starling city planning my next moves with Savage. Our plans are simple but yet so complicated.

Precise and ambitious.

The shadows will soon join us, as will others. Lex was unfortunately killed so he can't do his part of the plan meaning we need another strategy.

Another candidate.

-Lucas's pov -

"So you were partying with the devil?" Dembe asked unsure of how he should take this new information

"Yeah, that man knows how to have fun," I replied with a shaky smile

"I thought you were kidnapped," Dembe replied gruffly

"Why would you assume that?" I asked with a weird expression covering my face

"Because we just got back from a meeting talking about organizations hunting our kind," Dembe replied and I nodded back at him

"Makes sense," I said

"Anyways soon we will have another meeting over a secure line to finalize the plan details, then we will have to act I don't want more of us to die out there needlessly," I said with a small frown

I began to get dressed, today I have another ballroom event to go to. Hosted by my mother, unfortunately. Her campaign is still running strong and we are close to the voting period and she wants to hook in as many people as she can.

We left my house around nine at night driving slowly to my mother's house, I really didn't want to go but I have to.

As we pulled in and went inside I began to mingle with the crowd, I spotted my sister as I was about to approach her I saw who she was talking with.

Wide smiles on both of their faces.

Maze and Thea talked like old friends.

"Dear sister of mine, can you introduce me to your friend," I said with a wide smile

"Lucas! This is maze she is a good but new friend," Thea replied with a small giggle

"Nice to meet your maze," I said facing the literal demon

"It's nice to meet the famous Lucas Queen," she replied with a small smile but her eyes showed no warmth

What was she even doing here?


So Lucifer is the Op one I just like the look of the tv show version, and maze will obviously be here.
