
Lucas Queen aspiring businessman

Today is a new day, and Oliver and I were basically begged by Moira to visit the office, I'm excited to see it mostly because I am going to take it over in the future. Though if they try to make me do some boring menial work like a human I am going to brainwash them to do it for me.

Putting on a nice suit I got dressed for the occasion, this is a suit and tie type of thing. I left my bedroom and saw Thea's door open I walked toward her room and slightly knocked on the open door.



"Hey, Mom is forcing Oli and me to go to the office today," I said stepping into her room

Turning around from the mirror she was looking at she said, "really? That blows."

"Nah it can't be that bad, plus I think maybe taking over or something could be beneficial," I replied with a small smile

"Yeah? Good on you sounds boring to me." she said with a bored drawl

"Aha, it seems you and Oliver are of the same mindset," I told her shaking my head

"Well then at least she will be happy that one of us is interested in the business," she said with a grin

"Yeah, she probably will go crazy in excitement," I replied with a smirk

"Anyways I gotta go," I told her giving her a hug

"Alright, have fun," she replied

"Yeah, I'm sure it will be a riveting experience," I said while I was walking away

Although I want to learn about the family business and everything I'm not too sure it will be the most exciting task ever.

I walked downstairs and saw that Moira, Walter, and Oliver were all waiting for me. Dembe and Diggle were also there.

"Say, Oliver and I have Diggle and Dembe but, how come Thea and you two don't have a bodyguard?" I asked in a confused tone

Moira and Walter looked confused and embarrassed?

"Well are lives have never come in danger, and you two are home enough that your bodyguards can help if needed," Moira replied easily

"Ah makes sense, so shall we go to the office?" I said with a slight smile

"Yeah, we should go," Oliver chimed in

We took two separate cars because all of us couldn't fit in one, Moira and Walter took one car, and Oliver and I took another along with our trusty guards, they took the front seat while Oliver and I took the back.

Once we got the car moving we kind of stayed in this state of awkward silence.

"Say, Oliver how have you been we haven't talked much after leaving the island, we used to chat every day," I told him with a kind smile

Ahaha, this is one of my small pleasures in life Oliver can't say out loud that we got separated on the island and didn't talk every day.

Although I don't hate him he is my brother, after all, but we don't like each other, and that stems from the simple fact that on the hellish island we both had to adapt and some adapted differently like belittling me when I wasn't that good with the bow or leaving me to fend for myself some nights just to come back and try to play it off that I left him.

He wasn't as mature as he is now during those days, but it still makes my blood boil, I was so confused and lost after coming to this world and the island did nothing to help that but, I thought my brother at least would ground me.

He didn't.

"Yeah, it's been a wild time coming back to civilization," Oliver said dodging what I said

"Aha, yeah adjusting has been tough," I replied with a chuckle

"Yeah, so what do you think about this Azreal stuff," Oliver asked me blandly as one would talk about the weather

"I think he is a weirdo, who the hell drains blood from their victims, I swear he is almost as bad as that glorified boy scout.. Ah, what are they calling him robin hood no green archer no ah yes the very badass hood!" I replied with a mocking tone

"Well, you are very opinionated," Oliver pointed out

"Not really, say what are your thoughts on those two psychopaths?" I asked with interest

"I agree with you, Azreal is a weirdo and this hood guy is obviously someone that never learned about guns," Oliver replied simply

""Haha,"" the two bodyguards let out a small chuckle from hearing our conversation

Eventually, we arrived at the office, both of us got out of the car and met with Moira and Walter the sun was a pain but we soon got inside the building, of which had way too many windows.

"Well, shall we begin?" I asked in a fake chipper mood

We made our way through the building, it wasn't too bad sometimes we would reach a room with no sun and that was a relief.

Soon we made it to our dad's old office, the same root beer conversation went down.

"I want you two to join have a leadership position within the company," Moira said

"No," Oliver immediately shot her down

"What do you mean no? Do I need to remind you that you are Robert Queens' son?" she replied in an annoyed tone

"Now honey, I'm sure it's been hard on them both he doesn't need to take a position in he doesn't wish to," Walter chimed in

Then it was classic Oliver, "which part is hard? The fact that everyone fantasizes that I got my MBA while I was on the island or the fact that my father's CFO is sleeping down the hall from me?" he said glaring at Walter

"Hahah! I agree, but I want to make one thing clear I will be taking a leadership position, in fact, it will be THE leadership position Walter I'm sure you would be okay with being my right-hand man, after all, I am Robert queens son," I replied in a chipper tone

Walter and Moira looked at me shocked, and Oliver looked at me like I grew a second head. I saw Dembe have a little smirk back there too.

"Now Lucas honey, don't you think that's a little too big of a change? I mean we still have the board and investors." Moira interjected

"Ah? I thought you wanted me to take a leadership role, I was studying for business before the island you know? And I have been studying ever since I came home as well, I didn't think you wanted me in such a position that's why I got the bar. But since you said it yourself that I should take up my responsibilities then I should, plus Walter will be my right-hand man no pay cuts or anything, he can help mentor me." I replied seriously but my voice carried a dangerous edge

"Honey, I think that if Lucas wants to do this he should, it's in his right too, and like he said I will be helping him the whole way," Walter said surprisingly I didn't even have to make metal suggestions

"Well alright, but I want you to seriously think about this and use the help and resources given to you," Moira said still unsure

"I promise mother," I replied hugging her

After a while, we all left, honestly right now I'm so lost, how the fuck did that happen? I expected to be shot down and then ask for a lower position then maybe some mental suggestions here and there to climb up the latter like a rocket acting as if I'm some genius.

It was the classic trick one uses when at the store with their mom, ask for a lot then she shoots you down, and then ask for what you really want.

This is madness, but hey guess I'm the big boss now.

"What made you make that decision?" Oliver asked me curiously while we rode back home

"A lot of thought, I hope to one day bring Queen Consolidated to new heights and I want to start now. Walter will help me, I know you don't like him and I'm not sure how I feel about him but, he is trying you can see that as well as I can." I replied simply

Sighing Oliver nodded his head, "I understand, maybe I need to be more open-minded. And at least one of us was interested mom might have had a heart attack if otherwise."

"Haha, you're right interestingly enough Thea said something similar," I replied with a chuckle

"Did she? She has been angry with me recently," Oliver replied with a sad sigh

"Yeah we talk some, go easy on her she just got us both back we can't act like overprotective brothers it would smother her, Moira doesn't enforce rules upon her so it would be counterproductive for us to try," I said seriously

"I know it's just hard to see her going down a path I once took," he replied

"I know,"

The rest of the car ride was relatively quiet, since Oliver and I took one car I couldn't just go to my bar so we headed back home.

Once home Oliver and I got out, I told Thea what happened at the office then headed out to go visit my bar.

Dembe was with me of course, he and I are close, I like him a lot he is chill and doesn't try to impose on what I am doing.

Once at the bar, I greeted my only employee he is a normal guy named John he is a cool older gentleman with a handlebar mustache he is also amazing at making drinks.

I went to the back room and poured Dembe and myself a drink I then motioned for him to sit on the recliner across another one which I took for myself.

Taking a sip of my drink I asked Dembe, "why do you like being a bodyguard I can't see it being a fun activity?"

He took a sip of his drink and said, "it's what I like to do sir,"

Taking a sip I gave a soft hum and replied "Hmm, that's nice I'm not too sure about this whole business thing but I hope it's a fruitful venture,"

"I can see you will be good at it sir, and I hope you achieve your goals," he replied stoically

"Thank you Dembe," I said

A serene silence formed between us, we were enjoying the relaxing drink and the soft classical music playing in the background.

Tomorrow I make my announcement to the people and it has to be good.


A/N: not to much going on this chapter but it's more of a prelude to him joining the business and family interactions
