
Missing You... It's Breaking Me

// Please reload the last chapter, I made some adjustments


Dalrae lifted her head as if to ask the man if there were any other stupid ideas he was still holding onto in his head, because this surely couldn't be the same brain that he wanted to rule Obren with, right?

"If it helps, the previous ceremony was held at the palace, and this time, I truly selected Incayon to prove to Father and the wolves that Incayon wasn't bad, and that they had earned the horrible name because of Rani.

"Besides this is a chance for Incayon to reclaim its glory as the strongest pack in the kingdom," Jungwoo said and Dalrae just listened to him.

She knew he had a point, and that made her hate him even more.

The fact that people had always assumed that the great Incayon had gone down the drain because of what Rania had done was stupid. This pack had been strong and would always remain strong because of Rania.
