
First Encounter 4

Aliah was trembling as she tried to focus her gaze on the woman sitting on the chair that used to belong to hers. For years, Aliah had been sitting in that very same chair, wondering when will she come back to the place where she belonged— to her realm.

"Blarghhhh— " for the umpteenth time, Aliah threw up some greenish liquid that had been mixed with her blood. "Please— " she uttered. "Kill me…"

"I begged you to kill me," the woman responded. "Didn't I?"

This woman— didn't have a name, Aliah thought inwardly. She was just another experiment that they created from various genes of monsters mixed with humans and hers.

And she… had been the most successful one.

Aliah thought that she finally created the perfect vessel, a body that she could easily control, a body that would be perfect for celestials. She was wrong.
