
Class Of Prodigies [Part 2]

"Its my turn now." Mila murmured before stepping forward.

She had a straight posture and held herself high. The blond-haired girl looked determined to win the battle with her full power.

"Well, this is going to be the last battle of this mini-tournament," Izzy announced before glaring at the others. "Any of you think otherwise?"

The other teachers wanted to refute Izzy yet they knew that she was telling the truth. In the end, they could only twitch their lips and prevent themselves from arguing with the blond-haired expert.

Mila gulped nervously as she stared at her opponent. She silently told herself to calm down and took a fighting stance.

'You can do this, Mila. Its the first time everyone is seeing you so you have to create an impression for yourself.' Mila chided herself.

The fight began in the next moment. Mila exhaled and let her body relax. A cold blast of wind shot out from her body.
