
First quarrel as a couple

It didn't take long before we reach the nearest village to my Kingdom.

"We'll rest here for tonight. Tomorrow, we continue with the journey. Hopefully, we'll be able to reach the portal before nightfall."

I didn't say anything, all I did was look out through the window.

My first time being out of my village might be with the devil, but that doesn't mean am not going to make good of my time here.

Based on the time we arrived, there are not many people outside. Most of them have gone inside for the day, and the few roaming the streets are either unmarried or lazy husbands who love to spend their days in the tavern instead of going home to their wives.

Most of the said jobless men can be seen staggering home, the bottle of alcohol they have on their hands a clear indication of where they're coming from.

Watching them, I had liked a minute pity for the wives they're going home to.

"I think that tall building is an inn." The devil speaks up amidst the gibbering nonsense of the staggering males.

Staggering males who gave our carriage a look, their eyes almost boggling out of their sockets.

Looking at the said tall building through the window, I can see the exact reason why the Devil thinks it's an Inn.

Compared to the dull-looking houses in this village, the supposed inn is the only one that looks like it doesn't belong with the others. It looks more like a white-coloured house amid black-coloured houses.

Not only is the supposed Inn the brightest, but it happens to be the only one noisy at this time of the night.

Aside from the clatter of things in most of the houses we passed, there's no other noise that can be heard.

The Devil stopped the carriage in front of the assumed inn and came down from the carriage.

"Stay in there, I'll go check some things out." He said before entering the inn.

Sitting still like the dutiful husband *Who said anything about being dutiful?* he expects me to be, I thought on the right way of escape.

Since we're in a new town, it won't be all that difficult for me to look for ways of escape. I might likely do that tonight when we've settled in.

Presently, all I have to do is discreetly search for a mode of escape, one that will be really

"It's an inn." He smirked, "your gods must have decided to show you some love." He said in a somewhat mocking tone.

"Gods indeed." I scoff.

"Let's go." Opening the carriage door, he lends his hand.

"Am not a damsel in distress, you can keep your so-called chivalry for those in need of it." I slap his hand off.

Slowly climbing down from the carriage, I head towards the inn.

" And who said I can't help my wife out with some things?" He asked, trying to match my stride.

"Wife my foot!" I shout, earning me looks from the few people standing near the door.

With their eyes on me, I became self-conscious. Looking around the place, I try to think about the next place to go to.

The place is like the normal dining room in my chamber, but the only difference is the people in it, and the chattering lively air around the place.

The entire atmosphere has both a welcoming vibe and a hostile one.

"Let's go." The devil takes my hand in his and led me towards the owner of the inn.

"Did I ask for your help?" I glare at him, and removing my hand from his, I rub my hand with my palm.

"A thank you wouldn't have been all that difficult." He smirked, "You're welcome, wives."

" And who's your wife?" I narrow a glare his way, locking eyes with him, I refuse to back down from the unspoken challenge.

If there's a need for someone to back down, then he's to be the one.

I'll in no way back down from the challenge. It's my frowning eyes versus his smirking, amused one.

"So…" The owner cleared his throat to get our attention.

"We'll have the best room in this place." The Devil says in an authoritative voice as if he's by some sort of strange miracle, now the owner of the place.

"It's…" The barman chuckles, "The best room is currently occupied…." He jumped in fright when the Devil dropped a bag of money on the table.

"Wow." The greedy man widely opened his eyes. Opening the bag of money, his eyes shined in Glee.

" Will this be enough in securing the best room, and a comfortable stay?" The Devil ask in an annoyed tone.

"Yes!" He chuckles, "this will be more than enough, sir. How many days are you planning on staying here?"

"For the night."

"For the night?" His already widened eyes widened more. "You're only staying for the night?"

"Is there any problem with that?"

"No, no problem at all, sir." He turned the bag of money in his hand, "how many rooms."



The Devil and I locked eyes for the second time since we came in here.

"We're only having a room."

"Says who? We're staying in our separate rooms." At least that allows me to escape during the night.

With us in separate rooms, it won't be difficult to escape if I so wish.

"As my newly married wife, you're to spend the night with me. There's no cause for us to be in separate rooms."

" No, we're not." With our eyes locked with each other, we silently dared ourselves to back down.

" Sorry, sir, I'm only recalling this now. We…"

" What's it now?" The Devil growled at the man but kept his entire focus on me.

" We…. W…we …. Only have one room left in this place, I apologize for the inconvenience it might cause." He answered in a nervous voice.

" Really?" The Devil breaks the eye combat. "That's superb, my wife and I will take the only room remaining here."
