
Clash Against Powerful Dragon-Type Monsters


As we pushed through the hundreds of Drakes coming our way, a gust of emerald winds appeared above us, quickly passing us easily with incredible speed. It was nobody else than Eric, who, above the air, pointed a huge bow made of spiritual wood and strings made of emerald winds, pointing at the monsters and firing giant arrows of emerald colored spiritual wind energy. Countless explosions followed, bombarding and blowing away our foes, weakening them in the process.

"That bastard of Eric is trying to take all the damn monsters for himself, I am not letting him!" Chris roared, leaping forward and swinging his blazing spirit axe, an eruption of volcanic flames emerged as he hit the nearest Drake, whose scales melted instantly, while the rest of the monster was quickly roasted alive. The shockwave of the explosion quickly killed the rest of the monsters Eric weakened.

