
Fried Chicken

"Right, like making a baby while taking over the world is a wise decision." Joshua said. "I know that's what kings and emperors of old did, but it just doesn't feel right to me. When I have a kid, I hope to be a good father figure for them. I can't make the time for one right now is what I mean."

"Well, if it did happen, they would be twenty-five now, so I doubt they would need much time from you." Lucy said. "They would probably even be a valuable member of your forces. Any spawn of the great demon emperor is bound to have incredible strength and magical ability. I suppose you were speaking hypothetically about new children though.

To that I say it is common for a child to grow up fatherless. Did your vessel not?"

"His father was murdered." Joshua said. "He wasn't abandoned."

"Same concept." Lucy replied. "Oh, look here we are at the train station. Do you like it?"

"Do I smell meat?" Joshua asked. "How do I smell meat? Didn't the church ban meat?"
