

Finally, after an hour or so. Gu Yeze came back and said that it was all a plan. He had to act like this, as they did not know if any man among Yang Bei's team was a secret man of Ji Yuyan.

And then when Yu Lian finally came to know who he was, no, she did not feel remorseful at all. Infact, she was even more irked at him and wanted to curse him even more.

Do rich brats don't learn ethics and manners?!

If that was so, Yu Lian was more than happy to slap some of those in him.

Now, though Yu Lian knew that she and Ning Mei were really two money grumblers. But still, calling them that in their faces was very disrespectful!


Finally, when Ning Mei came and stood before Ning Jiming, she without any second thought hugged her brother and said happily, " Gege~ I am back! "

Ning Jiming smiled at her and rubbed her head. He nodded and said, " Welcome back, Meimei. I see, you have finally found your biological family. "
