
Niceness Only Went So Far

Callie had a good Easter despite not being able to do much for it. Seeing Carter go wild at the egg hunt was a lot of fun. There were thousands of eggs to find and he ended up with about three dozen of them. That was way too much candy!

She was going to have to guard it carefully so he didn't end up with a cavity. He wasn't terribly happy about that. 

"That's my candy, Mommy!" 

"I know but you can't have all of it right now. You can have one."


Carter grumbled but ended up picking one. She did too since she hadn't had candy in ages. He looked at her with a frown. "That's my candy." 

"Can you share some of it with me? Mommy didn't get any." 


"Egg hunts are for kids but grownups deserve candy too," Callie said with a shrug. 

Carter seemed troubled by this. "That's not fair! How come?"

"That's just how things work."
