
Amos And The Mean Witches

"And does it look like I have even a minute of my time to waste on four of you?" Amos replied, his dislike for them visible on his face and tone.

He tried to walk away but Doris jumped and stood in front of him.

Wherever the mean witches go there is always drama so seeing that they had picked their target this time around, other students started gathering around them. 

They started videoing the impending fight with their cell phones.

"I can see being with that idiot has made you become cheeky and not able to recognise the hierarchy so let me tell you…," Doris, the one standing in front of Amos said. 

She walked two steps forward so that they were standing very close to each other.

"In everything, we are above you and as such you should be lowering your head whenever we walk by, got it?" Doris asked while staring into his eyeballs.

"Another thing, you dared not talk without permission…,"
