
The Journey (I)

It didn't take long for Zero's group to get back to the Leprechaun village. They wiped out the majority of the monsters going through, except the cave where they had to escape from the Earth Lizard swarms. Zero, Agnis, Zeraph, and Alan picked them off on the ledge with bows and arrows. Then when the Earth Lizards finally thinned down to a manageable number, Jack jumped in first because he was getting impatient waiting for them to thin down the crowds.

The elder and the other Leprechauns walked out of their mushroom huts and surrounded Zero's group. Zero noticed that they did not look so raggedy anymore and wore more casual clothes that did not have holes.

"Young dragon!" The elder hobbled over to Zero and stopped, confused at Zero's form. "Young dragon?" He peered around to find the dragon but didn't see his Origin form.

"He's here, elder. They have done so much for us." Bob hurriedly went forward to the elder with joy.

"I'm the dragon you're looking for." Zero stepped forward.

Bob was excitedly telling the other Leprechauns of their adventures against the Evil Magician Mano. Unfortunately, he exaggerated a couple of their stories, making the listeners gasp in surprise and excitement.

"Young dragon." The elder burst into a smile, "I'm glad to see you; I had a hard time recognizing you in your human form. Has everything gone well?"


The Quest to retrieve the Golden Eye has been updated.

The map to the Maze of Geruem has been retrieved. An ancient contract between the Drezo Regalia and the King has been brought back to life. The King has asked to bring back the Golden Eye in the Maze of Geruem located in the Electric Continent for the Drezo Regalia to truly own the building of Draconis Library.

Difficulty: C+

Reward: The 2nd half of the Certificate of Draconis Library + unknown treasures from the evil Magician.

Failure: The loss of Draconis Library

Side Quest: Free the Leprechauns from the evil clutches of the Magician Mano has been completed.

The elder and villagers cheered with excitement.

"Thank you. Thank you." The elder had begun to tear up in front of Zero. Finally, he grabbed his hand, "This is all I can give you."

In Zero's hand, a small four-leaf clover pin was placed.

Lucky Four-leaf Clover Pin (rare)

Finding a four-leaf clover is considered good luck, but one given as a gift by a Leprechaun is considered rare and powerful. The four-leaf clover is even blessed by the past elders to reinforce the luckiness of the four-leaf clover. In time, the four-leaf clover has become a strong attraction of good luck.

+ 50 luck

+ The clover changes colors to indicate to the owners when something is near.

Gold- hidden treasures, red- enemies

Zero was ecstatic at what he was given. This small pin was a treasure in itself. He gladly stuck the pin on his chest. "Thank you, elder. I'll gladly take care of it."

"It is our honor that you have helped us so." The elder bowed, and the rest of the villagers as well. "If you don't mind, we would like to serve the Drezo Regalia again."

"I do not mind at all. Actually, I live in a floating library called Draconis Library. It welcomes you if you ever feel like moving over the doors to Draconis Library."

"A floating library. That is unusual. How many more young dragons like yourself live there?"

"Dragons like myself? None. I'm the only living dragon as far as I know."

The elder was troubled by Zero's words. "This is not good; we cannot all serve one Drezo Regalia to care for your needs. One would suffice, even though we would all listen to what you have to say."

Zero was losing them in moving to the Draconis Library. So he quickly thought of some solutions to push them toward moving to the Library. "Well, I'm looking for more about the whereabouts of my kind. If you wait around at the Draconis Library, then there is a possibility that more will come."

The elder was thinking about what Zero was saying. He was still not so sure he wanted to move his whole villagers to the Draconis Library.

"Plus, if you stay here, you might meet unexpected travelers trying to catch you for your gold, or another evil magician may try to exploit you. While at the Library, you would be protected not only by me but by the Lunar Rabbits."

The last statement caught the elder's attention, and he understood. Even though they were Leprechauns and could run away, they were not warriors that could fight against powerful Adventurers or monsters. "It seems you have a valid point. So we shall go and visit this Draconis Library and stay for a while."

Zero lightly pumped his fist in success. He was delighted.

Draconis Library gathering of resident Quest

The Draconis Library has come alive from its ancient slumber. As the guardian of the building, one must take care of a special building given to a Drezo Regalia to watch over. Residents with different skills and species must be willing to move into the Draconis Library. Please go out and find residents for the area. Only having the same race will not suffice.

As the new guardian of the Draconis Library, one must invest in the future of the building. Continuously investing in the Library's growth will help bring wisdom and knowledge to different races worldwide. Therefore, completely invest in the building of Draconis Library and see it flower into something new.

Renovation of the building: 5.2/100

Percentage of finding traders: 3% (+15% pending)

Difficult: B

Reward: Increase in handing out higher-level quests and information.

Failure: Loss of productivity and eventually the loss of the building.

"If you don't mind, a young dragon, Bob, will be your personal butler," said the elder.

Bob's eyes twinkled at the thought of serving Zero. He was already begging him without saying a word.

"I'm fine with that." Zero quickly said, "I was wondering if you guys could help me out on something."

"Anything to our savior." The elder took any chance to repay the favor.

"Do you know the quickest way to go to the Maze of Geruem?"

Everyone gasped, and they backed a bit away, huddled in fear.

"What's wrong?"

"Young dragon. Why would you want to go to such an atrocious place?"

"I told you I'm looking for more of my kind, right? So I'm completing a contract with the King to completely obtain ownership of the Draconis Library. The Draconis Library symbolizes the Drezo Regalia; I cannot give that up and possibly lose any chance of finding my past."

"Ah, I see, that would be a terrible thing if you have lost the one thing that draws the other dragons to you, but the Maze of Geruem isn't a place you should go. It is a terrible place where death is imminent."

"Why do you say that?"

"There is a monster that lives in the Maze of Geruem. You can hear its howls every hour, crying from anger. A monster has been trapped in the maze for all of eternity, a cursed place since birth. Year after year, the King sends an expedition to kill the monster in the maze and stop its wretched howling. For hundreds of years, not one has ever escaped out of the mazes, and they were lost for eternity. There is a saying that the maze is enchanted to change every time a new soul enters it."

"Is there no other way to walk through safely?"

"That I am not sure. Maybe this might help you." The elder handed him gold chalk, placed it in his hand, and folded it around it. "Whatever you draw on the floor, it will animate into life. It will have a life of its own till rain washes it away. After that, however, it will only be able to be used three times.."

"I'll take care of this well."

Zero identified the golden chalk.

The Golden chalk (rare)

Magical chalk can bring to life a drawing on the ground giving it magical properties. Its powers are unknown. How it was made is a mystery in itself. The magical chalk can only be used three times before it breaks. Use it wisely, for there is no other chance to bring it back to life.

Used: 0/3

A rare item indeed thought Zero. He gratefully received it and placed it in his bag. "I still need to get there. I cannot back down because of a monster."

"You are either brave or a fool. Maybe a brave fool would be the exact word." The elder shook his head side-to-side. "Bob will show you the fastest way to the entrance of the Maze of Geruem."

"I am?" Squeaked Bob. He faltered a couple steps back. "I shall."

"We hope for your safe return, young dragon. But, if you fail, there is no second chance inside the maze." The elder turned around and hobbled back towards his hut, leaving Bob next to Zero.

"What does he mean no second chance?" asked Alan. "Does it mean we can't ever be resurrected?"

"I don't think it's like that. Maybe he means we won't be able to go back into the maze," replied Agnis. "The Resurrection system not working would be strange in itself when this is a game."

"Possibly. We should be on our toes when we get to the maze. We won't know what would happen."

"The elder meant that one cannot go in twice into the Maze of Gereum. So even though you Adventurers have been blessed by the gods, the maze does not allow a second chance," replied Bob.

"I see. That could be a problem." Zero thought over what Bob had said. This meant that he had one chance to make this succeed; if he didn't, then fulfilling the King's request would be voided. So the King already knew about this whole predicament, hoping that Zero would fail. Anger boiled in Zero. He would succeed in this Quest and make sure to come back alive with the Golden Eye. He stopped to calm himself.

"Give me a moment; I want to make some quick sales with the Leprechauns. There must be something they have that we don't know about." Alan rubbed his hands together. He was ready to tackle this problem with the Leprechauns. "We need to replenish our supplies don't we?"

"Not re-" Agnis was about to reply but was stopped by Alan, who elbowed her.

"Well..." Zero was not sure.

"I've got to log off. I'll be back in a couple of hours," Zeraph replied. "I "ll see you later."

"Okay. Let's all go do what we want to do."

With Zeraph leaving, the group split ways. Alan was busy trading with the Leprechauns trying to see if they had anything worth selling for double the profit. Agnis sat down to clean her weapons, while Jack sat next to Agnis and began sharpening different tools.
