
Slowly but Surely, I'll Soon Reach That 0 Year Age!

[I remembered that this novel is taking part in a contest. I'll try to increase the release rate.

Anyway, Enjoy.]


Kumi let out a small breath.

She could see nothing.

She could barely even feel anything, not to mention the absolute silence surrounding the place.

She was currently inside of her body, trying to get some shut-eye since she didn't have anything else to do.

And so she stayed like that.

For quite a while.

'I can't wait until I'm officially born.'


My name is Soltson.

I am currently one of the highest-ranking members of Death's Doorstep.

I hold the privileged position of one of the 5 Locks and often go by the codename Deadbolt.

Besides me, there are 4 other Locks.

Their codenames are Pad, Mortise, Cam and Euro.

The organisation we are part of, or 'guild' as most commonfolk call it, is the most wide-reaching and strong in the world.

I hold a large amount of pride in that.

Today, our leader Hilde, The Door, has called all of us, The Locks, into her private office to have an important discussion.

As the last of The Locks arrived, the doors were shut by the maids and we all took a seat after getting permission from the boss.

After taking our seats, the boss placed down a stack of papers, let out a sigh and glanced at her safe before placing her attention back on us.

"We have much to discuss. The maids should soon bring some tea."

The boss, Hilde, took a sip of her tea.

"Hm. Cold."

She commented, before continuing.

"As I am sure you are aware, we have lost one of our own. A bright flower that had yet to fully bloom has withered."

She stated as a maid entered the room and gave each Lock a cup of tea.

Picking up Hilde's cup, the maid left without a word.

Hilde then continued.

"They had perished on a high-priority mission and had given their life to kill any Trackers that might have followed the team that was sent out."

She let out a small breath.

'She really doesn't like having anyone related to her die, does she?'

I thought as Hilde continued.

"I am sure members of Peephole have already provided each of you with the information about the Item we received from the completion of this mission."

The Locks all nodded their heads.

"I am also sure that you all know we might be facing a war sometime in the future with the Eastern continent's countries.

I doubt they have taken kindly to us stealing a future weapon of mass destruction from their claws."

With no response, she continued again.

"Now, I would like to inquire you all about an option that we have. Feel free to speak your mind, no words spoken here will leave this room."

After a moment, Hilde continued.

"I surmise that at most we have 1-2,4 years until the Eastern countries launch a full-scale attack on all our bases they have found... We know that the living weapon that has fallen onto our lap is capable of much. Now, do we raise them and use them for war in order to reduce casualties to a minimum or go without and risk losing thousands of members and our foothold in the East?"

'Our main base is located in the South continent, where we are now. If the East gathers its forces and clears the entirety of their continent of our bases, they will surely find a teleportation location that leads to our main base.

If they find that our main base is in the South, it will become an intercontinental situation where our organisation has little chance of survival.'

I thought.

I believe that the other Locks also had the same thoughts as I did.

'If we have a weapon or rather, a member strong enough to hold back their armies alone... our chances of survival skyrocket. Though, also. They will be a child. How could we send a child to the front lines? Is that not what our organisation was built to stop?'

I firmly believe that the Locks beside myself all believed the same thing as I, and all had the same doubts.

Though whatever I thought, it would end with many casualties on our side and the incident would leave a large stain that would take many tens of years to recover from.

I bit my lip as I let out the words stuck in my throat.

"I... I believe having them fight on our side would largely reduce casualties."

Hearing this, one of the other Locks cut in.


It was Pad, a female member of the Locks who was heavily against any and all illegal activities involving children.

Pad was Caring, it was a personality trait of hers.

"This would be war! How could we send a child, no matter how strong, onto a battlefield?!"

Hilde raised her hand.


Letting Pad calm down before continuing, Hilde spoke.

"What Deadbolt spoke is his beliefs, we have no say in what they might be. In fact, I agree."

At the last few words of the boss, The Locks were shaken. It would take an extremely troubling situation for Hilde, The Door position holder in Death's Doorstep, to agree with using a child in war.

"But that also is just my current belief. If anyone of you has a better idea to reduce casualties to a minimum, I believe all of us would hear you out."

No one spoke a word as Pad bit her lip.

"We will leave it to a vote among all of us present. For or against using the Living Bioweapon Codename: Kumi in the possible war that might take place in the next few years.

Even if the vote ends with the decision not to use the Bioweapon, I hope you all still know that Death's Doorstep will not fall to any country nor any continent."

Hilde had a glint in her eye as she spoke that last sentence, the glint then disappeared as she let out a sigh and raised her hand.

"All for?"

All except for two, Pam and another one of the Locks, Euro raised their hand.

"It seems the decision has been made."

Hilde knocked on her desk, and following that, a maid entered the room.

The maid walked to Hilde's safe and proceeded to open it.

Taking out a flask that was radiating the power of a High-Immortal Rank while not even being properly born, the maid placed it on the table in front of Hilde.

Hilde stood up and brushed the top of the flask. Tens of different spells that were surrounding the flask appeared and then promptly shattered.

Hilde then spoke.

"As this is the decision we have landed on, I hope none of you will hold any resentment after leaving this room.

You may rest easy, I will raise this child myself. They will grow up powerful and when sent to battle, they will return without a scratch. It is the least I can do."

Hilde stated before lightly wiping the side of the flask.

"And if they are not enough, if the child takes any sort of damage, we will enter the fray ourselves. We are Death's Doorstep after all. Are we not?"

'As you would expect from someone with the Blessed Traits of Bravery and Intelligence.'

The Locks thought to themselves, feeling relieved that they are following such an individual.
