
Top Secret Q-Series Bioweapon, Subject 000

Royal and noble families alike spoke to one another in regards to the sudden announcement.

A few questions were shot at the crybaby man.

A Duke from a large Empire stood up and asked haughtily.

"Which country will be in charge of raising it?"

The murmuring stopped as everyone present waited for an answer.

"That is still up for debate. Though currently the Reytsent Empire is being considered since they have supported this experiment from the start."

The people from the Reytsent Empire seemed to be pleased, others did not.

The Duke that asked the question sat down, feeling slightly satisfied since he was a Duke from said Empire.

Next, a King from a shoreside country raised their hand and asked a question of their own.

"Does this mean that the Reytsent Empire will have full control over this weapon?"

The crybaby man immediately answered.

"No. When they have grown to a specific age and are ready for combat, their actions will be decided accordingly by the recently created Council of Rules."

The King lowered their hand as he stroked his beard in thought.

As he was about to ask another question, he was interrupted.

The Emperor of Reytsent managed to ask a question first.

"If my Empire is to watch over their growth and use our resources on their cultivation, will the other countries also need to provide us with said resources?"

"Of course."

The crybaby man continued.

"All who wish for protection will need to help with the growth of the one who will be protecting them."

"Who said we need protection?"

A voice suddenly interrupted.

"Our alliance is immensely strong, is it not?"

The crybaby man looked at the woman who spoke.

"We have a continent-wide alliance, that is true. But who has said that the other continents are not working on the same thing?

Our continent, although large and wealthy, does not possess nearly as many Immortal Rank individuals as say the South or West Continents. Not even mentioning the North and Central Continents."

The woman clicked her tongue.

"With a possible threat of war within the next few years, our continent may just seem like a present of materials and slaves to other, stronger continents. With this, we will be safe from those threats."

"And how do you know they will grow strong enough to defend us from those threats?"

The crybaby man let out a tired sigh.

"The blood of a Devil and the blood of a Prime Angel, besides that they have also started to fuze with the essence of a Mythical material.

A single human with no talent nor skill could become an Immortal Rank with that material."

The murmuring continued, this time it was louder.

After a moment, the Emperor of Reytsent spoke over the crowd to ask another question.

"When they come of age, will they have the chance to have offspring?"

"First, before I answer, I believe a certain degree of freedom is needed for loyal soldiers. Although we have many contingency plans to control them, the best way to control anyone is to not control them.

I wish to give them the choice to do with their life as they please as I believe any sibling would want. That of course does not mean that every one of their choices would go unmonitored nor that any of their choices will be supported.

They will serve this continent as its Sentinel, that is not up for debate. They will not go against the Council of Rulers either. How they spend their free time, who they will spend time with, who they will have offspring with and what hobbies they will have is not something we should control. I would again like to state that the best way to control someone is to give them an adequate amount of freedom.

So, the topic of offspring and who to have them with is up to them when they grow up. I am not prohibiting anyone from sending their heirs or children to have a try at winning them over but at the end of the day, I wish for it to stay as their choice. This will not be up for discussion here nor within the council."

Some people understood the man's choice, most others however were rather disappointed and angry with it.

One of the Queens from a rather small Kingdom raised their hand and asked pridefully.

"What say do you have in the matter? Is this thing not already counted as the property of the Council? Why should anyone listen to you?"

"Simple. When I said we have ways to control them, I lied. WE do not. I do. And I am the only one who has these methods. And besides that, there is one more reason why my thoughts matter."

The crybaby man took a step toward the edge of the stage.

"If I were to die under any circumstance. The flask containing my sibling will be transported by way of an ingrained magic circle to another continent where I have already made arrangements. Along with the flask containing my sibling, a letter will be sent detailing everything I have told you today along with many other facts that I have not yet shared.

Now, if you do not wish to have your only chance at surviving future wars grow up nicely and quietly at a farm in enemy territory, I believe I have the most say in how my sibling is brought up."

A few gasps along with surprising murmurs were heard as many people were outraged but stayed quiet nonetheless.

"Well, I believe we should start the vote on which country Codename: Kumi will grow up in. Let us start with the Reytsent Empire. Any objections?"

For the next two or so hours, harsh debates were being held by the rulers of the countries, kingdoms and empires. A lot of back and forth later, the chosen destination still stayed as the Reytsent Empire since it was close to the middle of the continent along with having a good amount of resources and even a Hero.

Though many were unhappy with the decision they could not do much.


'Wow. A few months old and people are already making plans for me to marry and have kids?'

Kumi thought to herself as she floated around the stage.

'Reytsent... for some reason it sounds familiar but I don't know where I've heard it... Eh. I guess it doesn't matter much, I'm going to an Empire to grow up as a princess soon to be weapon of mass destruction.'

She thought as she landed on the stage.

'That is what the people here talked about, right? My language skills have gotten better but not to the level of casual talk. I could barely understand every third word.'

She grimaced at her lack of academics in learning a language she has only been listening to.

Looking around the place, she saw how the crybaby man and the guy whose face she slightly recognized talked to each other a bit.

The platform holding her future body then suddenly started to descend back beneath the floor.

As she was also being dragged down, she saw how everyone started leaving beside the person the crybaby man talked to.

'I guess he's gonna be something like a foster dad to me if I have to live in his country or whatever."

As Kumi was dragged beneath the floor and could no longer see anything, she delved into her thoughts.


It has been 2 months. Or it at least felt like it.

Kumi has been stuck in the vault of gold.

'Did they forget about me? Wasn't I supposed to be important?'

After another few days of Kumi dying of boredom, something finally happened.
