

Henrietta arrived at the kitchen and addressed the cook. "Prepare my son's favorite dishes for tonight's dinner. Cook it early..." she said.

"Yes, my lady!" the cook replied.

After instructing the cook on what dishes to prepare for dinner, she left the kitchen and proceeded to her garden located at the back of the house.

When she arrived at the garden, she stared at the blooming flowers in front of her, racking her brain, gathering ideas to help her son with his concern regarding Aurora.

It's been five years already since Aurora's captivity and her grandpa's anger hasn't diminished yet.

What could make her grandpa's anger dissipate faster?

She knows that there is a way - but how and what is it?

She started pacing back and forth on the ground, glancing at the flowers from time to time.

Henrietta spent half an hour thinking of a solution for the couple's problem.


