
Good Job

"Here, you can have these books I recommend you to read if you want to broaden your knowledge on the topic you're writing," Alexander said, setting down five heavy and thick-looking books down Tiffania's table. 

Tiffania smiled gladly as her eyes shifted from the typewriter to his brother who is making an effort to help her with the academic paper she plans to present to the academy.

It was thirty minutes since Alexander had checked her paper and given his remarks. She must admit, that it was shameful, that her paper has many mistakes in everything, from the data to typos and grammatical errors. Imagine if she hadn't consulted his brother, she'll be a laughing stock in the university and worst, affect the reputation and dignity of the Ruthenia Royal Family among the academia and intellectuals.

So she was glad, glad that her brother reviewed her thesis before she made her talk so she can rewrite them again and make them better.
