

Her powers weren't enough to conquer the Demon King and his powerhouse Twelve Dukes yet.

As Kyra studied the bodies and the cause of their deaths, she notice their wounds are too large to come from a sharp weapon. It has savagery traces that obviously weren't common in demon's ways of killing... But instead of beasts. Her ears pricked, detecting movements. She raised her eyes and somewhere in the empty land, someone is intently gazing at her.

She thought that the killer is back. But she was proven wrong. A few meters away from her, she met eye to eye with a half corpse demon pet. Its body has the same structure as a saber but its head is half rotten with deep wounds scabbing and worms feeding on its flesh. It literally has no skin at its face at all. There's only the thick stench and the horrifying sight of worms feasting on its face. And the other half glistened with red flowing in blood.

Kyra straightened up and face the demon pet with impassive face. She knew it was injured. She knew its owner must have skin it in alive. Most local demons use their pets hide as the fabric for their clothing. This will protect them from the other demon's attacks.

Kyra did not blink. Her grip on her sword was tight. She does not know what kind of strength this demon pet has but her initial instincts told her to stay put and do not make a sudden move. Or else it will attack and devour her like everyone else.

After she studied the corpses, she finally understand that these killings were not the work of the cruel prince. But a masterpiece from this certain demon pet who tore them to shred bits.

Bite marks are obvious in their throats and torso. The demon pet's half bodied soaked with blood and half rotten body reflects Kyra's expressionless face. The demon pet slowly bend down, ready to pounce on her at any given moment. Kyra's eyes darkened. She readied her sword and tightened the grip on the hilt.

For a long time, they stared at each other. And without any warning the demon pounced on her. Kyra did not hesitate to lift her sword in hand and thrust directly in the demon's pet.

But it's body is as hard as steel. It's speed is as fast as lightning. Before Kyra knows it, her arm was almost rip off by its claws. Kyra sent a fatal elbow strike that sent the demon pet skidding to the side. It take a hundred eighty turn and glared at her.

It bared its fangs. Kyra was forced to watch as the blood drip from its mouth. She raised her sword again and this time she did not let the demon pet to charge first. Kyra sense her Silver bloom devouring lotus crawled in her wrist, waiting for her command to bind the demon pet in place.

She refused. She stubbornly charged and stab and stab and stab while protecting herself from the demon pet's sharp tooth.

Kyra successfully stab her black obsidian sword into the demon pet's eyes while its claws was on her arm. When the demon pet felt the pain, it roared and drew its claws back. Taking along with it, Kyra's flesh and blood. Revealing a deep wound that opened to the white bone protruding in her skin.

Because of the blindness, the demon pet has momentarily lose control of it's strong drive to kill. Giving Kyra the chance to retaliate. She took advantage of the demon pet's divided attention and struck her sword into its vitals. The demon pet has a skin as hard as steel, but it protected it's most vulnerable body part, which is the belly.

Noticing this, Kyra thrusted her sword and twist it until she got out most of its intestines inside out. Forcing the demon pet to spill all his innards in the ground.

It was an instant death. There was no way for the demon pet to survive that kind of attack. Especially when it's terribly weakened because of its loss of skin and rotten flesh.

Kyra did not celebrate the victory earned. Instead, she carried the body of the demon pet and buried it beside the big cracked slab of stone. Right at the site where hundreds of dead demon bodies lie.

Kyra cannot forget the look of relief she saw in the eyes of the demon pet in that split second she gouge its insides. It was a look that says thank you for releasing it from the pain it endured everyday. She wondered if all the dark creatures tamed by the demons also felt the same. Because of the lack of intelligence, it does not know how to commit suicide. To court death, they killed indiscriminately, hoping that one of their victims will kill them in return.

Her eyes were expressionless. Because of the intense grief that turns into a deep hatred she no longer feels anything. She did not pity the demons that are massacred. She did not feel sorry for the demon pet. But she felt obliged to save it from its torment.

Without looking back, Kyra went in her way. The pillar of Asmodeus is as big and tyrannical even when she was thousands of miles away from it. She can see the dark pillar towering in the sky. The dark rumbling clouds covered its top most partn ot revealing how tall is this sacred pillar of the demons.

Kyra's eyes darkened as one thought passed on her mind. They destroyed the World Tree. Why not destroy their pillar? Before she can formulate plans to proceed the voice spoke again,

Without looking back, Kyra went in her way. The pillar of Asmodeus is as big and tyrannical even when she was thousands of miles away from it. She can see the dark pillar towering in the sky. The dark rumbling clouds covered its top most partn ot revealing how tall is this sacred pillar of the demons.

Kyra's eyes darkened as one thought passed on her mind. They destroyed the World Tree. Why not destroy their pillar? Before she can formulate plans to proceed the voice spoke again,

"Your task only limits you to steal the Horn of Bael, do not be reckless and destroy the balance of the universe."
