
Body Search

Many minutes have passed since the Skeleton Warlord fell to the ground, but the Adventurers still couldn't find its mana core that would fetch a fortune and reward them for their effort.

"Where the fuck is its mana core?!"

"Somebody must have found it and kept it for themself!"

"That must be it! Everybody! Halt! Don't you dare leave!"

A huge commotion started within the Skeleton Graveyard while the raid was still ongoing with everyone that participated in eliminating the Elite Monster blaming the person next to them for hogging the mana core.

After arguing back and forth for many minutes, they eventually decided to do a body search on everyone for the mana core, and this included their spatial ring.

"Whoever leaves from this point forth will receive my wrath! You will all stay here until we find the missing mana core!" A bulky man shouted out loud, his voice echoing in all directions."

"What a pain in the ass…" Khrome sighed out loud.
