
21.3 First Dungeon?

"I shall take the lead then!"

Readying my pistols, I watched as Maruki charged shield first into the waiting crowd. He didn't even wait for us to walk in behind him. He just... ran in.

"W-Wait a damn second!"

Guidance screamed behind me, practically nudged herself past me with her keyboard already glowing as she stuck herself just a ways away from our wayward tank. From where Shizu and I stood gawking at the sight of it, Maruki was taking in all the aggro as he shouted and screamed.

"Come and get it! My duty demands that you all hit me!"

To my surprise, his shield began glowing as he started taking hits. He wasn't doing any fancy moves, but he kept hitting his shield with his sword every once in a while, a faint shockwave washing over everybody present the deeper he went into the room.

"[Medica]! [Adloqium]!"
