
For ten seconds

Mingquan came out of the merchant's shop followed by Xiwan and Chang Shi.

"The Fourth Prince is looking after such affairs himself. He could have appointed others officials for such activities," Xiwan said.

"I thought it would be better if I come myself. What were you two doing in the matchmaking agency?" Mingquan asked.

"We went to go to find suitable matches for ourselves," Xiwan said with a wide smile.

"That's great. I wish for you two to get suitable matches," Mingquan asserted. He looked for the carriage when Chang Shi told him that it was standing at the next route.

"Your Highness, I heard that the Queen Dowager is not in the palace anymore," Xiwan said.

"Yes. The King found it suitable to send her away," Mingquan said.

"Prince Lóng Wei was right about the Queen Dowager," Xiwan muttered.

"What do you mean?" Mingquan asked him to explain.
