
358 Time Out

Simple Virtual Reality headsets were available all over the cruise ship area of Terminus and were used for a variety of experiences from simulated bird watching to interactive movies for the guests.

Nico grabbed a headset from the kiosk as they passed with a wave for the staffer who was shocked out of reading a book to pass the time on the mostly empty floor.

Despite the low number of guests, the whole area was staffed, to avoid the feeling of a ghost ship. They were also expecting a number of additional visitors over the next few days, on what the Innu were dubbing an "Extreme Adventure". 

To them, this was like watching a movie about the history of the Valkia in real-time. They had been warned of the dangers of Terminus being destroyed, but they decided the risk was minimal to go on a vacation in hostile territory and have a chance to see species that had been deemed too dangerous for interaction up close and personal.
