
There is nothing I can do

"The bleeding should have stopped since she dove into the water. But this cut is deep and on both arms too." Atsuro trailed off. "Was she staying over at your place?"

"She wanted to watch the concert together."

"I have already done this to her place too. But remove the sharp objects. You can keep your knives in the kitchen for cooking. However, get rid of anything sharp in your room."

"I understand."

"I really want to blame you, but Yuhi is at fault too." Atsuro takes out his phone and snaps a picture of Sumire's arms.

"H-hey-wait, don't." Mamoru protested. "You can't send that to Yuhi now."

"I think you know this already, but I don't care about Yuhi, even if I did. I would care more about Sumire. That bastard, what is he thinking pulling this stunt now of all times? Sumire is finally willing to speak with him. Why is he doing this now?"

"You already know about that?"

"She saw me recently and told me herself. 'Atsuro, do you think Yuhi will like it better if I wear brighter clothes?'" Atsuro sighed and clicked his tongue annoyed. "Hearing her speak about Yuhi with such affection in her eyes bothered me more than I thought it would."

"After this, do you think Sumire will-"

"I don't think she will speak to him, but not because she dislikes him. But because she believes she is truly standing in his way. I want you to respect that decision, too, and not mention Yuhi in front of her for a while. She is already broken, and this case has broken her further."

Mamoru couldn't say a word. He hates the term broken. She isn't an object. She is a person. However, he understood what Atsuro was saying. His gaze fell on Sumire. Her skin looked pale and cold due to her diving into the water. But she must have lost a lot of blood when she cut herself too.

"Mamoru," Atsuro said sharply. "I will be away for a short while. I will leave the tracker I use to find her with you. So, be very careful from now on."

"Huh? Are you going somewhere?" Mamoru said, surprised. It's unlike Atsuro to leave for a long time.

"Just abroad. I will be in London. There is something there that I need to look into." Atsuro looked at Sumire. "She won't get any better with any of us helping her. I think what she needs right now is meeting new people and expanding her social circle more."

"The latter is difficult. You know how she is around people."

"I know. But isn't there someone she has been interested in recently? He passed out background checks. So, for now, let her meet with him."

It shouldn't surprise him that they investigated Mashima Toh in detail already. However, something feels wrong to him. There is something about that man, something different.

"I will keep that in mind."

Atsuro finished wrapping both Sumire's arms in bandages. "Alright, that should do for now. But make sure to change the bandages daily and put ointment on the wound. It will take a while for it to heal, however, so maybe she shouldn't go to school. It's not an injury she can hide very well."

"I understand."

He was still visibly shaken, but he understood what he had to do. Ki, it seems like right now, he isn't the one who can help you. After parting ways with Atsuro. Mamoru headed in the opposite direction of where he came from. There is no use taking her back to his place now.

Atsuro is right. Right now, what Sumire needs the most in order to heal is to meet new people. If so, then the one she should be with right now isn't him. Mamoru placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Ki, I want nothing more than for you to smile." He mumbled.

But at the rate this is going, she will die young. Her past suicide attempts have 'failed,' but if she keeps this up, eventually, one of those attempts will succeed. He doesn't want to wait for that.

Mashima Toh, 'if you end up betraying her too. I will personally cut you down. But I won't know for sure.' The location he was heading to was in the direction of Mashima Toh's place.


Three days later, Sunrise street.

Mamoru was standing in front of the door, pacing back and forth with a troubled expression. On their way to Mashima Toh's place, Ki woke up. She seemed to be in a daze but realized that they weren't heading home. He made up all sorts of reasons why she ought to go to Mashima Toh's place. But instead, it all ended up sounding like excuses. 'Fine, see if I care! I hate you Ru.'

That was three days ago; the girl hadn't answered his messages or calls for the past three days. 'I dropped her stuff off the next day, but it seemed like she was sleeping. So I didn't disturb her then.' After three entire days, Mamoru could no longer take it and found himself in front of the house.

Mashima Toh stood there with his arms folded across his chest.

"You know it's only been three days."

"I--I know! But I want to check on her." Mamoru said nervously.

Toh sighed. "You know, leaving fifteen creepy messages on voice mail only worsens your situation."

"B-but she wasn't replying." Mamoru protested.

"Of course not. She has been busy." Toh trailed off. "Well, come in. You will see for yourself what I mean."

Mamoru nodded and followed Toh inside. He sees Ki in the living room in front of a large table and a sewing machine. She was looking back and forth at a sheet of paper. There were pieces of cloth everywhere and clothes.

Right, Mashima Toh is a fashion design student. Ki expressed interest in designing clothes before but could never find anybody to teach her. So, this is what she has been busy with? Well, now it makes sense why she wasn't answering his messages.

"Hey, Toh? You know this design, the bow at the front is---" Sumire paused in mid-sentence seeing him.

"Uh, hey, Ki." Mamoru gave an awkward wave.

Is she still angry? Of course, she would feel upset that he just decided to hand her over to Mashima Toh. But, at that time, he had no other option. After hearing Atsuro's words and seeing her condition, he didn't feel confident that he could watch over her properly.

His thoughts break off when he feels a familiar pair of hands on his forehead.

"Why do you look so pale, Ru? Are you sick? Are you in pain somewhere?" Sumire said worriedly. "Ah, do you still have that cold? I told you to get it checked out."

She truly seems like she has returned to normal.

"It's nothing. It's probably because I haven't eaten."

How could he possibly eat properly when he was worried sick about her? At those words, Sumire paused. "I see, your so silly. I'm sorry for making you worry. Why don't you join us for lunch? I just finished cooking."

Huh? She cooked? But her hands are still injured. When Ki's hands are in a good state, her cooking ends up so badly. Now they are like that- Mamoru's expression paled. 'Should I make a run for it now?'

Mashima Toh, however, was already going to the kitchen to get plates.

Sumire pointed to the dining table and chairs. "Take a seat, Ru."

"Yeah, alright."

He watched as Sumire walked over to the kitchen and helped Mashima Toh to set everything up.

Toh reached over and brushed a strand of Ki's hair from her face.

"You're not used to tying your hair up yet."

"Mm, I usually keep it down. But this style is refreshing."

"I can do this for you anytime."

Mamoru observed Ki the entire time and noticed something. She is smiling and talking naturally. Ki did mention to him to before how naturally she feels around Mashima Toh. But this surprises even him.

It did not take long before the two started setting dishes on the table.

There was menchikatsu meatloaf, a thick patty of ground meat and onions, crisply fried and seasoned with Worcestershire sauce, with some vegetables, lemon, and tomato on the side. On another plate, there were kushikatsu, deep fried skewers, and another that had napolitan rice bowl, karage, makizushi.

Mamoru stared at the various dishes with wide eyes. Huh? What is this? Didn't Ki just say she cooked? Why is the food glowing? Where is the burnt charcoal?

"Ta-da," Sumire said happily.

"Did you really make this?" Mamoru said doubtfully. He steals a glance at Mashima Toh. If he recalled correctly, Mashima Toh made her all that food before. Maybe he did the same this time too? Toh follows his gaze and shakes his head.

"That's rude! I did it!" Sumire exclaimed.

"It's actually good," Mamoru commented.

The fact that it isn't burnt to a crisp is already amazing.

"Toh has been teaching me," Sumire said proudly.

Toh appeared behind Sumire and patted her hair.

"I don't know why you all think she is bad. She is a good learner and learns fast."

"Yeah, but usually-"

"Maybe it depends on who is teaching me?" Sumire quickly interjected. Toh, you're a good teacher."

"Compliments get you everywhere with me." Toh bent down and whispered in her ear. "What would you like?"

Sumire laughed softly. "Help me with the needlework later?"

"That I can do."

'They strangely get along well, and that is the brightest smile I have seen on her face in a long time. It seemed Atsuro's theory was correct.'

She looks much better than she did three days ago. It is hard to believe that just three days ago, she looked lifeless, like an empty shell. Now she is smiling brightly and filled with life and energy.

Mamoru takes a document from his bag and passes it to her. "This probably isn't the best time. But, I think you will hear about it soon anyway."

Sumire accepted the document and looked at it for a few minutes.

He watched as her calm expression darkened.

"Is this real?" Sumire questioned.

"According to your favorite information broker, yes."

Sumire sighed deeply. "The best way to investigate this is to attend the party. But this is the elite circle.."

'Ki doesn't like attending the elite circle gatherings. Even if she is a member, she has no interest in that society.'

"This, I'm going too." Toh interrupted.


"If you'd like, I can be your partner." Toh offered.

At those words, Mamoru frowned. So this man is also a member of the elite circle? No, he is someone who can get in even if he isn't a member of upper society.

"Hmmm," Sumire looked at him. "No, it's alright. I'll have Ru come with me."

"Suit yourself."

Toh hardly seemed bothered, but Mamoru felt his gaze on him. This is awkward. He feels like he is intruding.

'I didn't think they would get this close. Was it a mistake to leave her to Mashima Toh?'

But, if she had stayed at home, she would have continued being in that state. His gaze fell toward her bandaged arm.

Sumire followed his gaze, and she laughed weakly. "I am alright now. It doesn't hurt as much."

Mamoru didn't believe her.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Ru."

'I'd rather she tell me that she won't do it again, but that wouldn't be possible.'

"No, it's alright." Mamoru looked at the dishes again. "Is there any reason why most of this is bar food?"

"Sumire was talking about going undercover in a bar as a chef."

Mamoru stared at the girl dumbfounded. Sometimes he wonders what goes on in that head of hers. His gaze fell on Mashima Toh, who was drinking a glass of wine and paused. That's right. This person is older than them.

Right now, this person's age is the only problem he has with him; otherwise, there would be no issues. In just three days, Sumire has recovered her strength and smile. Normally it would take much longer. He has done what other people haven't been able to, what 'I couldn't do.'

He felt a mixture of emotions seeing how happy Sumire was. He knew that Sumire wouldn't recover this well if she stayed with him. Mamoru clenched his fist under the table.

Why is it he can't do anything to help her? Why can other people help her better than him?

'I thought it made sense for Yuhi to understand Sumire better than me. They have a much stronger bond and have known each other longer. But what about Mashima Toh? How come Ki has accepted him so quickly?'

It's frustrating. There is nothing he can do. All he can do is stand by and watch as other people help.

It was difficult swallowing the food after having such negative thoughts. But after seeing Ki so eager, he made sure to eat everything.

"If you are eating this much. I will make sure to cook for you again when I get back." Sumire said brightly.
