
Apologies 1

Neil crouched looking at the grass swaying slowly in front of him. His hand rose to touch the long grass on his fingers and plucked it with meaningless force. His mind drifted to the figure of Sain who was tightly attached to his shadow.

Neil thought of their unnaturally intense relationship in Neil's eyes. However, it brings the opium they created. He seemed to be trapped in a deep gaping hole and unable to get out again.

The thing that made Neil even more afraid and guilty was when he enjoyed all the treatment Sain had on him. However, what can Neil do? He was unable to resist and somehow continued to follow the ups and downs that Sain did to him.

In Neil's mind, he had been so dirty from that nightmare event before he came to this dimension and Neil felt unworthy of anyone and other people he thought would feel that way towards him. A disgust. However, it is different from Science. Sain didn't ask much about something that Neil didn't want to put into words, he had understood.

Sain accepted it without but. Opening his arms wide to defend Neil and be by his side. Provides comfort and space for Neil when the world seems to be against his presence. Only Science.

Maybe Neil will be different just for Sain.

"Neil?" The call was like a beacon in the darkness of the vast ocean, it made Neil's head jerk up.

The arch of his mouth rose at that moment, creating a soft pink color that bloomed on his cheeks and crawled up his ears and neck. Neil's mouth lifted. "Riksa, why are you here?"

Sain who was standing tall in front of him crouched down following Neil. "What are you doing?"

Neil's eyes lowered again away from Sain's gaze which continued to focus on his face. Neil only answered with a small nod.

Sain touched Neil's hand with the tip of his index finger, making an imaginary circle on the back of Neil's red hand. "I apologize."

"Hmm?" Neil's gaze lifted to stare confusedly at Sain.

"About last night."

Ah, Neil remembers well, where he was going to see Michelia and came home only to get Sain's wrath on him. Neil had never seen Sain so angry as long as he had known him. Sain makes Neil understand what he did was his fault, and Neil did something reckless by not telling Sain. At least Sain was just punishing him, not leaving Neil alone.

Neil quickly shook his head. "No, you're not wrong Riksa. I was at fault because—"

Neil didn't continue his words when he was surrounded by a warm hug given by Sain. "I didn't mean to hurt you at all. I was just angry at the time."

"Riksa, it's not your fault. It's only natural that you punish me, I didn't understand at that time. Besides, you also healed me quickly and I'm fine now," he said with a beaming face, breaking their embrace to get a better look at Sain. clear.

Sain smiled too, ruffling Neil's neatly arranged hair and causing Neil to purse his lips. He brushed his hair with his fingers, but Sain brushed it off gently.

Neil several times wanted to open his voice, voicing the question he had wanted to ask Sain for a long time to answer his curiosity. Neil finally got up the courage to ask. "Riksa? Can I ask you something?"


Neil finally asked with lingering doubts. "Riksa, do you know what the crescent mark on my neck means and also why it's there?"

Sain didn't seem surprised by Neil's question. His eyes glanced right at Neil's neck and his hand floated to touch what Neil knew was the mark on his neck and created a quiver at his touch. "This is the result of the exchange of blood in a binding relationship."

Neil remembers the snippet of the moment when Sain injured his hand and joined Neil's hand which was full of blood. The magical moment where the wound on the surface of his skin shrank and then disappeared completely. He doesn't at all how it all works awesomely.

Neil tilted his head still not understanding that well. "What does it mean?"

"It means you are mine and I am yours. Nothing can change that forever and that sign is proof of it just like a ring in a relationship, but it goes deeper. I have a moon sign too," he explained.

"But as for the meaning of the image created like a crescent moon, I don't know for sure what it means," continued Sain.

Neil blinked with his cheeks warmed, what Sain told him was the same as what Faiz said yesterday, Sain didn't deceive him. Neil regretted that he had not noticed this kind of thing on Sain's body parts, despite how often they touched each other. "You have it too?"

Sain nodded, he lowered his hoodie slightly to the neck, and Neil's eyes were glued to the scratch of a small black crescent moon. Sain adjusted his clothes back.

Neil has been itching to ask again which keeps bothering his mind, Neil is only afraid of Sain's reaction later that will be angry with him again.

"By the way," said Sain suddenly causing Neil to be surprised because Sain knew what Neil was doing.

Neil tugged at the grass in front of his bare feet, channeling a nervous feeling into the grass that grew stronger. He finally mustered up the courage to speak very quietly like a whisper. "Riksa, can I still see Michelia?"

Sain didn't answer right away, his face became flat, eliminating the curve of his lips.

Neil gaped, his mouth twitching and his pupils dilated with Sain's reaction. "Excuse me, but I can't help but ask you about it."

It didn't take long for Sain's smile to widen again, even though Neil knew that Sain was faking it. The lips parted and said, "Yes, you can meet him. He is your best friend."

Neil couldn't deny refusing Sain's words, but in fact, he had to meet his best friend and couldn't just leave him.

Sain then stood up and looked at Neil with a shady gaze, he extended his hand to Neil who was immediately greeted with pleasure. Sain then said, "I bought a blueberry chocolate cake at my house. Do you want it?"

A glint appeared in his eyes, and Neil couldn't help but nod his head in agreement.
