
Helping Hands

[Ariele. Morning.

Port Altenben. Vlysimn.]

I raised my hand high up and the man at the forefront screaming out for a gangster and a thief noticed it in a few seconds. He looked confused at first, seeing a little child call out to help him but smiled a grateful smile and came over in no time at all. What a honest person.

Honestly, four against one were not very believable numbers here. One would even end up thinking that its the four at the front who were the thiefs or the gangsters, but the man at the back looked rather scary with his unkempt beard and humongous body while the man at the front who came toward me was rather soft to the eye. Moreover, a place like Vlysimn wasn't to be underestimated.

I didn't know enough, but I still knew a bit about Vlysimn.

It was a place filled with gangsters. The land of the mafia in this simple and honest world.

"Hey Hey! Arieleeeee!" Bruno got nervous again. "They are coming over here."
