
Bribing the right people can get you anything and Build ups before battles!

After a few hours, we all met again in the living room. The living room had a huge sofa set placed on the right end and a workstation set on the other end. The table on the left had a telephone on it. I guess that was where most of those wires went.

"It is hard to believe they would set up telephones at this place," Eric said from across me as we all occupied the sofa set. There was still enough place for five or six more people, despite so many of us sitting on it. Only Ki Yeo-Jung sat away from us at the workstation.

"You can do a lot of things by bribing the right people," she said. Her hands moved the rotary dial on the telephone. She kept the telephone's speaker and receiver turned towards us so we could hear everything. After a few rings, a high-pitched voice came from the telephone.

-Yes? Who is this?

"I am speaking from the Western Quieme Business Advisors," Ki Yeo Jung said.

-O... oh. It's you guys. I guess I know what you want?
