
Expression of art

The lunch was uneventful and the rowdiness from before only continued at the dining table. Nana was the only controlling factor who could rein in these pranksters or they would have caused a world war three over food.

Alix, who somehow coincidentally got seated beside Jin again, glanced at him. He held Ailun in his lap, trying to feed him the boring carrots slices.

"Oh my God I am so sorry!!!"

A pair of hasty steps came from the entrance and Shui entered the Liu villa with her chest heaving breathlessly.

"Oh my God…I am so sorry…Was busy…in an art exhibition…" she rubbed the sweat off her forehead.

"Oh Shui, what a pleasant surprise!" Ai beamed.

Jin stiffened.

"Shuiiiii!" The twins got excited as if they were seeing her after a long time just like all the kids who were furiously waving their hands at her.

"Yes, yes, please join us for lunch," Nana chirped. "But why did you arrive in such a hurry?"
