
End the friendship

Yating peered into her tense and defeated eyes. "What's wrong, Chyou? What did he say to you?"

His eyes narrowed. "Or my question should be how much did he say to you?"

She shook her head. "It wasn't like that, Yating. But it's understandable if…the pictures upset him. It seems that I keep forgetting that we are in a relationship."

"What? No!" His eyes widened. "That's not how it is and you know that too. It's all the media giving everything a wrong spin. I don't want Cheng Yin to fall for it. If he isn't happy with this, then why did he come forward with the video?"

Chyou looked away. "He trusts me, Yating. That's why-"

"Then why is he not alright? It doesn't make sense to stand up for you when he is wavering himself."

"It's to stop the fans from targeting and insulting me. He does care about me."

"But he doesn't trust you."
