
To make a beautiful life a pitiful torture

On Xing Bi's side, she was peeking at what Sun Bai was doing with the man at the cafe. She was seated opposite him, her expression stern and steely. Xing Bi couldn't clearly see the man, but it felt he looked a bit fidgety.

"I have heard of Sun Bai," Nian whispered. "Jun has mentioned it once or twice I guess? She is quite a capable and serious employee."

"Indeed. Miss. Sun is really dedicated."

"Then why did you follow her till here?" He curiously asked.

"Well, I heard her talking one night and it seemed a little suspicious. Then she went on sick leave the next day, but I saw her meeting this same man somewhere in an apartment. Clearly, she didn't look sick…"

"If he is her boyfriend, then sick leave is a very common excuse, you know what I mean?" He grinned. "Don't worry. If you ever want to take a day off work, you can be straightforward with Jun and say that you want to spend some mushy time with me, hehe~"
