
Just with you

"I do know something about what I'm talking about."

Beatrice's face sank and darkened.

'I don't need to... no, I shouldn't pry into it,' Mathew thought. He then pressed his teeth together just in case his body was to go on autopilot and utter some bullshit outside of his control.

Beatrice was a commander of the police special task force despite being a relatively young person. As if the fact that she was a woman wasn't a hurdle for her to overcome enough, she managed to get this position and active duty without even reaching the latter part of her thirties.

Or, to put it in other words, there had to be something in her story that counteracted both her being a woman in this strictly patriarchal society that only the apocalypse smashed into pieces and also her insanely young age and relative lack of experience.
