
Uncle Dream and The Fantastic Chronicles of Dreamy Awesomeness.

30 more adventures ahead in my Pat.reon. Patr.eon.com/Saintbarbido.

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(Hey guys, this chapter has been long overdue. I thought putting it here would be a good fit as a slice of life before we get into the craziness of this arc. I hope I didn't mess up the flow.)


(General P.O.V) (1 week before Vandal Savage's Attack)

Vor felt funny. It wasn't the same funny but good feeling he got when he tasted Ma's cooking. Neither was it the funny feeling that he got whenever Mom hugged him.

No, this time what he felt was a tingly sensation that spread out through his skin. He shifted in his sleep, digging in deeper into the bed sheets to find more of the comfy feeling. The bed under him rumbled and Vor instantly woke up. Beds weren't supposed to rumble right?

He blearily rubbed his eyes and stood up, floating off the bed and towards the ceiling or at least where it was supposed to be. The bright light around him told him it was morning. But if so, why hadn't the rosters started crowing? He had already gotten used to the sound after a week of staying at Ma's and Pa's place.

They doted on him constantly, saying he looked just like his dad. However, no matter how much his big brother's brother looked like him in his young pictures, Vor already had a dad and he wouldn't trade him for another. Dad was the best. He read him and his brother bedtime stories before they went to sleep, he played with them and he gave Vor and Sai shoulder carries. What use would he have of another dad?

The young boy yawned, finally cognizant enough that he realized why there weren't any rosters crowing in the morning. He wasn't in the farm. Mmmh...okay. Vor floated higher still.


He called out, reasoning that if someone brought him this far out, there wasn't a reason to leave his brother back right?


No matter how much he called, Sai didn't seem to answer.

Vor decided to change tactics.


No one answered.


No answer yet.



"Big Brother?!"

"Ma! Pa!"

All around him, the only thing he saw was a landscape that looked similar to home. There were beautiful trees, a mist that hang over the valley and all sorts of animals grazing as far out as he could see. Most of which were animals he had never seen before.

"Where are you guys??"

Vor said softly, feeling... feeling an emotion he had never felt before, lonelyness.

A low rumble made him look down. A look of curiosity appeared on his face, making him float down towards the ground. The rumble came from the huge slow animals walking down the hill. Mamaths? Mamot?...that's it! Mammoths!

He remembered the animal from the picture and coloring book his dad had gotten for them. Vor was the best at coloring so of course it made sense why he could remember the name! Excited and his negative feelings briefly forgotten, he picked the biggest one and landed on it's back.

The Mammoth barely reacted, following it's herd towards the huge lake at the foot of the hill.

Vor sat cross legged on top of the thick fluffy hide like his dad usually did. He ran his hands through the soft hair and marveled at the touch. That was what the tingling sensation had been! He had been sleeping on the Mammoth!


"Chaaaarge! Onwards to victory! Mighty Stead!"

He ordered, hoping to sound like the general from a movie he had watched with Mom and Dad.

The Mammoth under him softly rumbled and continued with it's pace. No matter how much the young boy tried to make it charge like a war house, the Mammoth remained steadfast in its trek.

After a short time, Vor eventually got bored, so he laid on the Mammoth's warm and comfy back and drifted off to sleep.

On a cliff overlooking the whole valley, Dream stood watching one of his nephews. The child was special.

Normally his nieces and Nephews never seemed to enter the dreaming when they fell asleep. Yet, from the time, Aden himself had asked Dream to help Vor with his Nightmares, the boy had retained the ability to enter the dreaming whenever he wanted. And the whole realm vibrated differently due to his presence.

The special thing about him however, was that he could enter with his real body, something that was supposed to be impossible.

It was concerning yet fitting. Only a child of his sibling could cause such a thing. He felt the child sink through the spatial barriers of the realm easily and without his urging. Like he said, concerning yet fitting.

Vor woke up with the call of multiple rosters. His eyes shot open in happiness. He was back. He was really back! The first thing he did was float up and then hug the hell out of his brother.


Sai let out after the young Kryptonian wrapped his arms around him.

"Good morning?"

Sai greeted.

"Tag! You're it!"

Vor voiced out and then with a sudden whoosh! he disappeared through the window and out into the yard. It was a game they'd only just learnt of recently but by god was it good!

Sai stayed there for a few seconds, face set in a confused state before his lips stretched out in a grin.

"Oh you're so on!"

He flew through the window as well, ruffling the curtains on his way out.

A game of cat and mouse begun as both kids flew across the entirety of the Kent Farm, being extra careful not to leave the cornfield for fear of a stranger spotting them. It was one of the things Vor's big brother had insisted.

Soon enough the smell of eggs, bacon and bread called the kids back into the house. They wouldn't miss Ma's cooking for anything.

As they sat on the table, an orange juice in both of their hands, Starfire who was directly sat opposite Vor and next to Kai looked at both boys with a knowing smile. Vor nudged Sai with his leg.

"She knows!"

He sent the telepathic message to his brother.

"No she doesn't. Trust me Vor!"

Sai argued back.

"Know what?"

Someone else joined the conversation. Breeze acted as if she wasn't paying them any mind, busily cutting her bacon strips into tiny pieces.

"Nothing. No girls invited!"

Sai shot back.

"Yeah, no girls allowed!"

Vor agreed with his brother. Sai was the coolest ever!

"That's mean!"

Breeze frowned and petulantly crossed her hands on her chest. The adults noticed it.

"Breeze, is everything okay dear? How is your bacon?"

Ma asked in a sweet voice. A slow smile spread across Breeze's face. Vor thought it looked eviiilll.

"Fine! You can come."

Sai sent through their link before Breeze could out them.

"It's good Ma."

Breeze's smile turned sweet as she went back to eating, her hair set in pig tails swinging to the sides cheerfully.

"I'm coming too."

Kai told her two brothers. Vor's eyes widened. She knew too?!

"You were leaves dropping!"

Sai accused, making his twin sister snort and correct him with pride.

"It's eavesdropping and yes, I was. Someone needs to keep you guys out of trouble and as your big sis..."


Sai cut in.

"Please if anyone needs to be big sis it's me! I came first."

Breeze added hotly.

Vor blinked. The conversation soon went from them hijacking their trip to that 'place', to who was Dad's favorite. Dad didn't have a favorite! And if he did, it would have to be him or Sai, girls were gross.

"I'm telling on you, if you won't let me come!"

Kai finally gave them the ultimatum.

...Vor. I'm thinking of taking him to see Lois today."

Vor and the kids absently heard the conversation going on between their mom, Connor, Ma and Pa.

Ma looked at Pa sadly before they both turned to Starfire, who was gripping her fork tightly.

"I... I'm not sure that's a good idea." She managed to say.

Connor looked at her face before nodding and dropping the matter.

Starfire breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the kids.

They were buzzing with excitement more than usual. Starfire could tell they were up to something. With the farmwork being busy as well as theraupitic for her, (read boring for the kids), it was good to see them occupied by something instead of missing their dad like she did.

Starfire had begun to feel the bump in her belly grow bigger and she was elated as well as afraid of this new chapter in her life. But she knew that as long as she was surrounded by her new family, everything would be alright. Now if only Aden would stop messing around and come back!

(Later on)

"Ok, you guys ready?"

Vor asked the other four.

"Hell yeah!"

Breeze shouted,a brief wind ruffling through the corn field.

"Let's do this."

Sai told him.

"I'm ready."

Lastly Kai nodded at him, trying to keep her face uninterested but failing.

"Ok...here goes nothing."

They all held hands.

Vor closed his eyes. It took a minute for him to find the tingling feeling he usually got. A minute that was filled with Breeze asking when it was going to happen. Sometimes Vor thought Breeze had too much energy. It was...it was like she couldn't just stand around and do nothing...huh, neither could he infact.

A hushed reprimand from Kai shut her up. Vor's face lit up as the tingling feeling grew stronger. There was a pop and he opened his eyes.

"Wow! It worked!"

Vor jumped up in happiness. He had done it.

"Whooaaa look at those birds..."

Above them a group of Purple Flamingoes passed over their heads, briefly hiding the sun from their view. Each of the Flamingos was bigger than Pa and Ma's house!

"Where are we?"

Kai asked in wonder as she saw bear cubs playing with each other while their mother slept underneath a tree.

"The Dreaming."

A new voice sounded out from behind them.

Breeze yelped and sent out wind blades towards the figure. The kids all went into various states of readiness. Their dad had always taught them to be wary of strangers.

"Who are you?"

Kai asked, her red eyes glowing with power. She was ready to defend her brothers and sister.

The figure floating next to them in midair merely smiled and held out the hand he had behind him, towards them. A tasty aroma spread out.

"I am your uncle Dream. Now who wants cookies?"

Lucienne, watching the whole incident from afar with a powerful telescope laughed when the kids instantly swarmed Dream with attacks.

"Damn, those are some terrifying kids."


(Aden's P.O.V)

Lucifer said that I could not hope to touch upon my concept without at least being as powerful as Zeus. As I was now, I had fully eclipsed Zeus so why wasn't it working?!! What was I missing?
