
All Enemies Revealed

30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

Please gimme 🙏🙏🙏🙏 your Powerstones people

Hey guys a friend of mine is about to release their very first fanfic SOON. Check out A Marvelous Loop by Oldherd.

OH and it only gets better from here.

10 heavy chapters for 3 dollars.

15 heavy chapters for 5 dollars.

30 heavy chapters for 10 dollars.


(General P.O.V)

(Hell) (Ament- 6th Province)

Atakatakata walked or rather ran forward with a limp. He pushed past a cackle of Kishi, hyena demons that used deception to feast on humans. One of them snapped out it's jaw and managed to grab Atakatakata's chitinous claw. It tried to bit down but had its jaw broken when the crab demon, Atakatakata widened his pincers.

The Kishi fell down and Atakatakata continued on his way, pushing past the flap of the tent and then bowing down. He didn't dare look up, hearing the sucking and slurping sounds coming off the Succubus, kneeling between the Master's leg.

"Atakatakata, I did not expect to see you here. You were scouting the cavern of the Bloodlings, were you not?"

Yogsoth, a demon affiliated with Astaroth questioned.

He possessed brown skin, was tall and his lost defining features, was covered in atrocious tattoos. Tattoos that spoke of wretched things.

"Apologies for disturbing you, Lord Yogsoth." Atakatakata looked up.

"However, the Demon Bane comes." The name instantly made Yogsoth Stand up in shock. He pushed the purple skinned Succubus off of him and started yelling.

"Go! Get out of here! Organize the rest! His Majesty entrusted me with guarding this rift of power. We cannot let the Demon Bane anywhere near it!!"

Just then, the sound of roaring and panicked shouts reached their ears. All three of them, moved out of the tent to see what was happening. What they weren't expecting was for Aden to pull up riding on a bone dragon that he had tamed. The dragon roared and Atakatakata felt as if his ears were going to burst. Aden had changed the homunculi puppet to look like the real him, so when Yogsoth saw the small smile of excitement on his face, he knew they were fucked.

"Forget it. Everyone ruuuun!!!!"

The dragon answered by setting fire across the tents. Aden on the other hand jumped down from a height of 100 meters and landed with a bam! The ground splintered and cratered as cracks with white fire exploded forth, destroying everything in their path.

The entire encampment was swallowed by the pit caused by the explosion. Aden flew forward towards the 3rd Chaos rift on hell, unhindered.

(General P.O.V)

She hadn't seen the White Shadow in a week. So it wasn't a surprise, she was getting antsy being all alone.

Paige's fist landed on the punching bag with a dull thunk. She swung a right and then ducked the imaginary opponent before landing another hit on the side of the bag. It swung with the force, which was mitigated by another cross.

Her breathing was steady, her movements well coordinated. Training had quickly become something of a habit for her. With her mother, she learned how to wield a sword and basic self defense and normally that would have sufficed against a normal thug due to the perks gained from her demonic heritage.

Then the 'incident' had happened. After escaping Aden who had been on a mission to take her mother back to hell, they had been found by her Father. No Paige refused to honor him with the honorific. He was a selfish unfeeling monster who enjoyed tormenting others. But...he was powerful. Too powerful. He dabbled in magicks, her mother despite being a demon hesitated to touch.

Her mother fought valiantly but...Paige winced as she remembered her pained screams. Then nothing. Just like that, her mom had died. Though Aden had later on assured her that she had only been booted back to hell, to Paige, it didn't matter, her mother was still gone.

She remembered the utter look of glee on her Father's face as he told her to curse her own weakness. To grow strong enough to kill him for what he had done. It was a manipulation if she had ever seen one. He was trying to turn her into him. Her hate for villains exploded after that. And the only person she knew who would help her...was ironically, Aden. So she went back to Lux. And everything else was history.

"Soon you bastard... I'm coming for you and you kind. Your head is mine, Faust."

she punctuated the statement with a heavy fist.

The strap holding the punching bag aloft, snapped and the whole thing sailed through the air. It smacked onto a wall and joined it's brethren. Where it landed, Paige could count 5 more bags each torn up in different places lying on the ground.

"I have to get that cleaned up..." She said for what must have been the millionth time. A whistle called to her attention the fact that she wasn't alone.

"Wow, I would not want to be on the other side of your fists."

Paige stiffened, finally noticing that she had an audience. Two teens. The first was a boy wearing a stylized white mask that looked like a cross between a skull and a hockey mask. He had long black hair that went down to his shoulders and was fairly fit.

Shoulder pauldrons and other sport's protective gear were strapped on top of his clothes and behind him, peeking from his shoulder, Paige could see 1 hockey stick, a golf stick, the handle of a baseball bat and...

"Is that a pipe?"

Paige asked, still surprised by their entry.

The boy stared at the other stranger inside their base, a pretty redhead wearing a yellow costume and green eyes only a few shades lighter than Paige's own.


"No matter." Paige stated running forward. "I'll find out either way."

The boy only had time to pull out his baseball bat and swing it in panic due to Paige's surprising speed. She rolled under the swing and swept the legs from under him. He fell with a 'ooof!' and Paige rounded up at the girl.

"Wait!" The girl shouted. "Aden sent us!"

Paige stopped, her fist mere inches from the girl's face. Her red hair was ruffled by a sudden breeze from the fist.

"You're skilled."

Paige snorted, noticing the slightly raised knee aimed for her gut. Had her fist landed, then the girl would have retaliated as well.

"You too."

The red head stated with a smile.

Paige had a feeling she would like the younger girl.

(A few days later)

"April!? Casey?!"

Mickey jumped over the couch and ran forward to hug the two teens, followed closely by the rest of the turtle brothers.

Paige on the other hand made eye contact with the man who had been hosting them ever since they made it to New York. From what April and Casey had told her, the four ninjas had probably turned up here due to the familiarity. However the fact that they ended up with him...

Paige walked over and bowed in respect.


The tall black man with an Afro snorted, crossing his hands over his powerful chest.

"Haven't seen you or blue eyes in a month and now you turn up unannounced and with strangers?"

Bronze Tiger or as Aden and Paige knew him as, Master Turner chastised.

Paige stood up from her bow.

"Sorry master... something came up. Aden is..."

Master Turner held up a hand.

"You know what, I don't even wanna know. I left that freaky part of life a long time ago."

Paige shook her head.

"Trust me Master, this is something you will want to hear."

She pointed to the two teens she came with.

"And I'll explain it better after this little reunion is over."

April felt both of their eyes on her and cleared her throat.

"Um so, I know I insisted on telling you everything after you brought us to Leo and the others."

She addressed Paige.

The White Shadow's companion rolled her eyes.

"Wasn't even hard. The city gained a few heroes to protect it and so narrowing their location was much easier. Otherwise, we wouldn't have known where to look for them at all. Luckily, they ended up with master Turner."

"Wait you know Old Dude?"

Mikey asked only to be smacked on the the head by Leo.

"Be respectful Mikey."

The rest chuckled a little. Paige looked at Bronze Tiger.

"Master Turner is..."

"Not important." He ruthlessly interrupted.

"You were saying something. I have a class to teach in 5 minutes."

"Right." April nodded and visibly breathed in.

"When I said Aden sent us...I meant it. But, it wasn't your Aden. Instead he said he was from the future."

Paige's eyebrows lifted. From the corner of her eye she saw no visible change in the master's expression despite the frankly shocking news.


She settled for a skeptical nod.

"It's true! Dude was all mysterious and glowy and was so tall like almost 7 feet..."

Paige took note of the description just as April placed a hand on Casey's shoulders to stop his rant.

"The point is, Master Splinter believed him...and he's rarely wrong."

"Who's Aden?"

Leo asked.

"I'll get to that."

Paige assured.

"So he gave us a way to crossover into this dimension and save you guys. It's already been 2 weeks since you got sucked into the wormhole caused by the Technodrome."

The Turtles looked at each other as Donny launched off into a speedy chatter about the differences in spatial placement of the dimensions affecting time.

"In other words. Time moves differently here than there. We got it Donny."

Raphael told him, causing the turtle to blush.

"So let me get this right, Aden travelled back in time to your world and then gave you the means to come here and retrieve your friends right?"

Paige questioned.

At April's nod, Paige was at a loss for words. She didn't understand Aden's motives and out of everyone present she knew him the most.

"I mean...why? If he could travel back in time, why not simply come to the past of our world and give you guys a way back to your own? Why go through all that trouble?"

"Ah he said something about messing with the timeline? And a pact with a certain 'him'?"

Casey answered, looking to April for confirmation.

"It does make sense in some offbeat way. There isn't a clear science to this, but the roundabout way he went with to keep his influence on this world's future as minimal as possible point to dire consequences if broken."

Donny gave his take.

"I still don't get something. Who is this guy and why does he want to help us?"

Raph asked.

"Well, he didn't give a clear answer but... if he didn't intervene and help us come for you guys, it seems like you would have been stuck in this world for a long time. Enough to meet him, enough to become friends... enough for some of you to die..."

April added with a shiver.

Casey placed a hand on her shoulder.

"That's why you have to come back with us!"

She held up a piece of red gemstone. "There's a powerful one way spell here. When I crush the gemstone, a portal will open."

April seemed desperate and almost ready to beg...and Leo picked up on it.

"Who? Who dies and was Shredder responsible?"

Leo's question remained unanswered.

"You still think he's alive?"

Raph snorted.

"We told you what we saw Leo. That blue eyed guy..."

Paige and Bronze Tiger shared a look.

"It was like nothing could keep him down. Shredder is dead Leo. For real this time."

Leo frowned. This wasn't the first time the Shredder had 'died.' He looked to April who shook her head.

"Aden didn't say anything about the Shredder. Leo...Raph might be right."

Casey stepped forward and placed a hand on Leo's shoulder.

"You have to come back with us man. Master Splinter is worried..."

Leo closed his eyes.

"I see... But, something is coming for this world. A crisis bad enough that...some of us might lose our lives." He turned to Raphael, Mikey and Donny.

"We have grown up together, trained together and fought together. You are my brothers and I love you all, but...I can't leave. Not when I know I'll be leaving behind a world in need of me."

Raph and the others made eye contact.

"And we're not leaving you alone Leo."

(Amusement park)

"I wanna ride on the huge ferris wheel, Greenie."

Breeze tugged Starfire's clothes and said.

Starfire looked down at her and rubbed her hair.

"We'll get to that in a few Breeze. Meanwhile, do you mind helping Sai win something on the shooting gallery?"

Breeze chuckled evilly.

"Wiiiith pleasure. I'm the best at shooting things."

Starfire did not have to look her teammate's way to know Artemis had heard that.

"Oh really?"

The resident archer asked.

Starfire could swear, she saw the smirk on Breeze's face expand as she innocently turned around to face Artemis.

"What? It's an absolute, complete, undoubtedly true fact."

And times like this, Starfire usually wondered how smart the kids actually were. She knew from Aden that they were only a few months old but still, the intelligence they showed while still full of childish immaturity and innocence was scary.

Breeze showed her tongue to Artemis.

"Oh it's on, pipsqueak."

Artemis told her, lifting her with a sudden heave and walking over to where Robin, in his civilian identity was trying to show Sai how to aim.

It made her wonder if her baby would also be the same. Incredibly intelligent. Incredibly powerful for sure. Aden was ridiculously powerful and Starfire wasn't too bad as well. A smile was on her face as she rubbed her belly. Lately she found herself that more and more each passing day. She usually wondered what Aden would do if he knew he was going to become a father.

But the weight on her shoulder from Kai told her he wouldn't be surprised or deny the child, he was basically already a dad! Kori could imagine the look of joy on his face.

"Are you thinking about the baby?"

Kai whispered in that childish voice that Star adored so much. If she had to pick her favorite it would undoubtedly be Kai. They just got each other.

Star rubbed her leg.

"Are you excited to have another sibling?"

She asked the young girl.

"Mmmmh." Kai nodded in excitement.

"Is it going to be a boy or a girl?"

That brought Kori up short. She hadn't even thought that far ahead.

"I don't know. It's a surprise"


Kai replied, some of her excitement fading away.

"Hey, surprises are good. They give you something to be excited about."

"If you say sooo...I miss dad."

Kai replied, placing her chin on top of Starfire's head. Star sighed a little. It had already been more than 2 weeks since they all last saw Aden. 20 days and counting to be specific.

"Let's join the others. Connor and your brother will be making their way to us after buying snacks. Maybe we can all ride the ferris wheel together, mmh how's that sound?"

She offered, trying to distract the sullen girl. And sure enough, Kai perked up.

"That sounds awesome."

Starfire patted her leg, glad to see the excitement was back. Kai was the only one of the kids who knew her mom was carrying their baby sibling and Starfire was glad she wasn't blurting it out in her excitement. They walked over to the shooting gallery a few meters away.

Throngs of people moved out of her way as everyone had a good time. She of course attracted a lot of attention. At 6'4, beautiful, with orange skin, red hair and green eyes, you ought to have been blind not to notice her, but everyone minded their own business and with the team still being black ops, the wider public didn't know her, so no one really bothered her.


A barrier of shimmering white order energy exploded out of the pendant strapped to her neck. The barrier spread out to cover her and Kai in a bubble shield. It held against the sudden fist aimed at her chest. All that was followed by a shockwave rippling out into the crowd, causing everyone to be thrown away.

Starfire blinked, her eyes establishing contact with her would be assassin. She could see where his fist had been aimed and given the force that blasted out from the contact, it was a Killing blow. Someone had just tried to kill her.


The assailant, a dark skinned young man who didn't look older than 17, dressed in black apparel, a symbol that distinctly reminded her of the one Superion had on his costume laid on his chest. He had cornrows, was levitating and...oh, his eyes just went red. Kryptonian.

Starfire's first instinct was to shield Kai from the heat beams but something crazy happened. Purple fire washed over her and coalesced above her head into a huge flame construct. A dragon.

"Nobody hurts my family!!"

Kai screamed in fury.

The Kryptonian started flying back, releasing his heat beams in the process. The red twin beams flew straight at Starfire, only for the draconic construct to swoop in, swallow the attack and speed towards the Kryptonian in a huge pillar of destructive flames. Flames that moved faster than possible. Flames that were do hot, Breeze had to create a barrier through the path they moved, to shield the civilians present.

The Kryptonian did not have enough time to do anything before his heat beams were devoured and soon the fire beared down on him. He raised his hand to cover his face as he evaded the flame's trajectory. The horizontal pillar of flames washed out and disappeared into the air before they could hurt anyone.

A calm settled before it was followed by a furious scream.

The Kryptonian landed unsteadily on the ground, his arm was missing and his clothes were burnt in places. his eyes blazed with pain and fury.

"You got lucky this time! Hear this...that child you carry will NOT see the light of day! One way or the other! None shall stand in the way of the house of Zod!"

With a sudden tremor, Superion landed in between them with an angry look on his face. His little brother landed next to the rest of his family. Superion's angry look transitioned into confusion before settling down into a stern one.

"Whoever you are, stand down and come quietly. That's the only warning I'm giving you."

"Superion. I am Lor-Zod, son of the greatest Kryptonian general. The El's are responsible for most of my family's suffering." He spat out, hate coloring his tone.

"You shall pay for their crimes." The Kryptonian stated with a dark sadistic chuckle.

"I will have immense pleasure killing you. Not today but soon..."

Then he floated inside a yellow craft.

Superion blurred forward to stop him from leaving, however his hand simply passed through the rapidly fading craft. The time sphere was already out of phase with this time.

(Elsewhere- A Few Hours Later)

So this was Krypton...or atleast a mental projection of the planet that birthed Superman. The sun above was red, casting a scarlet light on everything he could see. His feet scrunched on the grains of sand as he stood above a cliff. Below him was a valley with a river that snaked in winding patterns. The hill opposite him was occupied by a sprawling city.

Hovercrafts lazily floated through the sky above the city while larger hover vehicles came to and left the city, moving to other parts of the world.

It was a few months since he had walked around, confined to the bed as he had been. But while this couldn't be considered true walking, he welcomed the change.

The first of them appeared behind him. The same one who was sustaining this mental projection to allow them all to hold a conversation.

Then a few more figures manifested.

"Krypton...such a beautiful planet. Too bad it's nothing but floating debris in space. Oh such potential for delicious chaos...lost."

A childish voice stated. The voice belonged to a preteen girl sitting on the shoulders of her familiar, a huge gem construct.

"Where is Mordru?"

The other figure present, the son of Darkseid, Grayven asked with a sniff of disdain.

"Lord Mordru is currently occupied keeping the Lords of Order blind to our little soiree."

Child answered with a small smile.

"I see. So he sends a child to do his bidding. Does he think so highly of himself that he would be absent despite the fact that I present the will of Darkseid? Such insolence."

The next figure present chuckled.

"Kettle meet pot."

Grayven rounded to stare at the tall, cresting at 10 feet in his miniature size, being.

"Watch your mouth, Kronos. You are nothing but a pest. I am still confused about why our host insists on your presence."

"You watch yours, New God." Kronos spat out.

"Your dog of a father can speak to me like that, but you're just a pup. insult me again and you die."

The mental projection shook as a primordial aura beared down on Grayven. The New God answered back by drawing out his own power as well. Limited Omega effect.

"Oh this is getting so good, Flaw! Hey, oldies, can Flaw join in if you two decide to fight? I am terribly bored."

"ENOUGH!" A voice boomed out. Then it mellowed out into a softer and more charming tone.

"Enough posturing."

The host finally decided to show up. Like a god floating down to his masses, Rao's light washed down over the others.

"Kronos, Grayven. We are allies. For now." He said with a charming smile. His eyes swept out and landed on everything. It instantly sent Vandal Savage on edge.

"Now then, let us get started on our main objective. Killing Aden Strong, once and for all."
