
Chapter 11 Susu Threw Me onto a Tree_1


In the afternoon free activity time, the children were playing on the slide and seesaw in the yard.

Three teachers were inside the yard, watching over and protecting the children.

Zhuo Hao found Susu.

If the little cockroach just now couldn't scare Susu, then it was time to bring out something even scarier!

"You were very brave just now, and you've almost met the requirements to study here with us, but it's still not enough. If you can walk to the little house over there by yourself, we will accept you," he said.

Zhuo Hao took on the demeanor of the big brother of Hongfeng Kindergarten.

He had it all planned out: lure this new classmate to the dark room, and then he would lock the door from the outside!

Then she wouldn't be able to come out and would definitely be scared, having no choice but to cry loudly for help.

Although doing such a thing to a girl was a little too cruel.

But who asked her to bully Yunyun first, and then bully him?

Hmph. She deserved it!

Susu narrowed her eyes and stared at Zhuo Hao carefully.

When Zhuo Hao gave her the little cockroach, she didn't think much of it, as the idea of cockroaches being associated with scaring people seemed unlikely.

But now, Zhuo Hao's words made Susu realize he did not like her.

"Do you dislike me?" Susu asked directly.

"What are you talking about?" Zhuo Hao felt a little guilty.

Still young, he didn't yet know how to cover up his emotions.

"I'm asking if you dislike me and want to play a trick on me on purpose?"

Susu's question was so direct it left Zhuo Hao somewhat dumbfounded.

But thinking of how Qin Luoyun had just been crying with tears streaming down her face, Zhuo Hao regained his confidence.

"Exactly! It's not that I dislike you—it's that you are annoying! You're a bad child!" Zhuo Hao pointed his finger at Susu, his cheeks puffing up with anger as he accused her.

"So you're saying I'm a bad child?" Susu understood.

The teachers were patiently playing with the children when suddenly a cry for help could be heard.

"Help... Help..."

The teachers quickly looked around, but after a full circle, there was no sight of anyone.

From the sound, they could tell it was Little Zhuo Hao's cry for help.

"Help me! Teacher, save me!"

Zhuo Hao's voice was clearly mixed with sobs.

It took the three teachers quite a while to find Zhuo Hao's location.

He was in a big bayberry tree of all places!

The tree was very tall—far beyond the reach of children, and even the teachers couldn't reach it!

And because the tree foliage was so dense, Zhuo Hao, being blocked by the leaves, had not been seen by the teachers for a long time.

The teachers were all terribly startled.

It looked far too dangerous!

"Little Zhuo Hao, hold on tight for now, the teacher will find someone to rescue you right away!" called a female teacher hurriedly.

The teachers were anxious yet helpless as they couldn't climb the tree!

Let alone bring someone down from it!

One teacher ran to call for help in a fluster, one calmed the other children, and another steadied Zhuo Hao who was still hanging in the tree.

Ms. Zhu, tasked with calming Zhuo Hao, asked him, "Little Zhuo Hao, how did you climb up there?"

Zhuo Hao wrapped his arms tightly around the trunk, crying as he said, "The new classmate threw me up here! Woo woo woo! I'm scared! I want to go down!"

"Little Zhuo Hao, it's wrong to climb trees and even more wrong to slander other children," Ms. Zhu instructed.

Everyone was more or less the same age, how could one child throw another up into a tree?

How much strength would it take to do something like that?

The teachers certainly couldn't, and the new student was even less likely capable!

Ms. Zhu thought Zhuo Hao must have climbed up the tree himself, and having become scared afterward, he just lay there, afraid to come down.

"It wasn't me, woo woo woo... I didn't... it really was the new student who threw me up here," Zhuo Hao cried out.

